Overview of AIOps

AIOps : Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations in short it is referred as AIOps. AIOps is the advance application of data analytics which we get in the form of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The AIOps is responsible for better programmed operations so that ITOps can perform with a high speed. It helps to get foretell consequences for Real Cause Analysis (RCA) and Accelerate Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) by the help of data an ML. AIOps plays major role for modern business for its better growth.

As we know about the drastic changes in generation and their needs, we cannot handle or solve the needs or problems with old technologies for that upgradation of technologies is must needed.

The complexity to resolve problems for modern IT operations requires:

  1. System : The complexity of system that are separable, distributed and dynamic and whose components are momentary.
  2. Data : The data procreates about their internal operations i.e., logs, metrics, traces, event records and many more. This data is more complicated due to its high volume, specificity, variety, redundancy.
  3. Tools : It is used to monitor and manages the data and systems. Many tools are present with increasingly narrow purpose which don’t always interoperate and helps to create operational and data silos.

Importance Of AIops In Business :

  • Abolish data silos : In business every single work is based on data and there are lots of data with which they have to operate and face many difficulties and to avoid that difficulties AIops helps the industries to breakdown the data silos and to get the better performance.
  • Better tracking and management : AIops assists the problems in the system directly by the help of machine learning program and evaluates as quickly as possible.
  • Automated problem Solving : Initially the fixing process of solving the issues are being recorded by the system so, there is no need to take the reference from the scratch and to input efforts.

Workflow of AIops :

AIops works by the help of major technology that is big data, machine learning and automation.

AIops uses big data interface to cluster IT operations gathers all the data in one place. This data involves several things i.e.,  

  • Genuine performance and event data.
  • Overwhelm real time operations events.
  • System logs and metrics.
  • Network data, including packet data.
  • Occurrence related data and ticketing.
  • Document based data.

AIops then focuses on the analytics and machine learning capabilities :

  • Its discrete significant event alerts from the ‘noise’.
  • Recognize root causes and purpose solutions.
  • Machine driven responses including real time proactive resolution.
  • Upgrade continually to improve handling of future problems.

Benefits of AIops :

  1. It enhances the IT operations to identify, address and resolve the issues by applying several IT operations tools.
  2. Achieve faster meantime to resolution (MTTR): It removes noise and correlating operations data from several IT organizations. It directly focuses on the root of issue caused and resolves the problems within short period of time with high accuracy.
  3. Proceed responsive to proactive to predictive management
  4. AIops keeps experiencing with real time environment and always keeps itself upgraded. It does not allow unnecessary alerts.
  5. Technologize your IT functioning and your IT operations team.
  6. Instead of getting regular alert it only provides logical required alert to make the better possible detection and for making faster decision. The AIops works always better with its operations and make human work effortless in a manageable time.