Overview of Data Pipeline

Nowadays in the 21st generation, we must cope with each and every piece of information or data we get. When we usually hear about pipelines, we suddenly think about those natural gas and oil pipelines that carry those resources from one location to another over long distances. But here we are going to know about the data pipelines.

Data Pipeline :

Data Pipeline deals with information that is flowing from one end to another. In simple words, we can say collecting the data from various resources than processing it as per requirement and transferring it to the destination by following some sequential activities. It is a set of manner that first extracts data from various resources and transforms it to a destination means it processes it as well as moves it from one system to another system.

Why Data Pipelines are important?

Let’s think about a scenario where a data pipeline is helpful.

The improvement of the cloud has meant that modern technology for enterprises uses lots of apps with different features. The retailing team might employ a combination of Hub spot and Market for trading automation. The other retailer teams mostly depend on Salesforce to handle and some might use MongoDB for storing customer approaches. This leads to the waste of data across different tools and results in data silos. Data silos are nothing but they will create it difficult to fetch even business insights, like your most profitable market. It is most important for Business Intelligence(BI) in their day-to-day life they require everyday information to work with.  

How to build a Data Pipeline :

An organization can decide the methods of development to be followed just to abstract data from sources and transfer it to the destination. Batch transforming and processing are two common methods of development. Then there is a decision on what transformation process- ELT(Extract/Load/Transform) or ETL -to use before the data is moved to the required destination.

Challenges to building Data Pipeline :

Netflix, has built its own data pipeline. However, building your own data pipeline is very difficult and time is taken.

Here are some common challenges to creating a data pipeline in-house:

  • Connection
  • Flexibility
  • Centralization
  • Latency

Components of Data Pipeline :

To know deep about how a data pipeline prepares large datasets for deconstruction, we have to know it is the main component of a common data pipeline. These are –

  1. Source
  2. Destination
  3. Data flow
  4. Processing
  5. Workflow
  6. Monitoring

Future Improvements Needed :

In the future, the world’s data will not be stored. This means in exactly some years data will be collected, processed, and analyzed in memory and in real-time. That indication is just one of the various reasons underlying the growing need for improving data pipelines:

Finally, most businesses today, have an extremely high volume of data with a dynamic structure. Creating a Data Pipeline from scrap for such data could be an advanced method since businesses can need to utilize high-quality resources to develop it and then make sure that it will continue with the increased data volume and Schema variations. Many more data engineers offer a bridge between data and business to make everyone’s life easier behind the easier access we get recently data engineers put their hard efforts, besides those people no other group can offer.