Overview of SNMPv3

In this article, we will discuss about the SNMPv3 architecture of the computer networks.

SNMP stands for Simple Network Management Protocol. It is basically an Internet Standard Protocol which is used for monitoring and organizing information about the devices on IP network by sending and receiving requests. This protocol is used for organizing information from devices like switches, modems, routers, servers, printers etc.

Currently, there are 3 versions of SNMP – SNMPv1, SNMPv2, SNMPv3.


Uses of SNMP in Networking :

  • It is mainly used for monitoring and organizing networking resources.
  • It is a standard internet protocol which is to be followed by everyone. It sets a standard for everyone network management, database management, and organizing data objects.
  • Administrator computers (managers) use SNMP for monitoring the clients in the network.
  • This protocol allows for management activities using applications like Management Information Base (MIB).

Special Features about SNMPv3 :

  • v3 is the latest version of SNMP which involves great management services with enhanced security.
  • The SNMPv3 architecture makes the use of User-based Security Model (USM) for security of the messages & the View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for accessing the control over the services.
  • SNMP v3 security models supports authentication and encrypting.
  • SNMPv3 supports Engine ID Identifier, which uniquely identifies each SNMP identity. The Engine ID is used to generate a unique key for authenticating messages.
  • v3 provides secure access to the devices that send traps by authenticating users & encrypting data packets which are sent across the network.
  • It also introduces the ability to configure and modify the SNMP agent using SET for the MIB objects. These commands enable deletion, modification, configuration and addition of these entries remotely.
  • USM – For facilitating remote configuration and management of the security module.
  • VACM – For facilitating remote configuration & management for accessing the controlling module.

SNMPv3 Architecture :

The architecture of the v3 consists of – 

  • Data definition language,
  • Definition of MIB
  • Protocol definition
  • Security and administration.

Mechanism of version 3 :

  • 16-byte key between sender & receiver
  • Triple Data Encryption Standard
  • Advanced Encryption Standard
  • Data Encryption Standard (DES) in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode
  • MD5 message-digest algorithm