Oyo Coding Interview Experience

Online Round :  Oyo Coding visited our campus in the last week  of August.

Round 1 was held on Hackerearth which comprised of around 25 MCQs and 2 coding questions. MCQs were from topics like Data Structures(mostly), Aptitude, Operating systems and DBMS.

The coding questions were

  1. Minimum no of ways to flip the brackets
  2. Given a triangle ABC and number of steps k, return the number of ways that we can arrive back at source point in k steps (1 step = traversing from one vertex to other vertex).
    Example - for 2 steps, 2 possible ways (A-B-A and A-C-A).
    Similarly,   for 3 steps, 2 possible ways(A-B-C-A and A-C-B-A).
  3. After this 44 students were shortlisted for the PIs.

Round 2 :  The interviewer was very friendly and patient, he primarily focused on Data Structures. He asked me three coding questions.

  1. First question was an implementation of Trie search and first match algorithm .He asked me to write the complete code.
  2. Second question was to write a complete working code to find the Intersection point of two linked lists.
  3. The third question was to print the all the nodes at kth depth in a generic tree, given the root of a generic tree.
  4. I solved it using recursion (using depth as a variable), other method to solve is level order traversal.

    Around 30 people were shortlisted for the third round.

Round 3 :   Third round was based on Operating Systems and little of coding. The following questions were asked :

  1. What are scheduling algorithms and why are they used?
  2. What is virtual memory?
  3. Name and explain all the scheduling algorithms?
  4. What is context switch?
  5. Construct a binary search tree given its preorder and inorder traversal arrays. (Had to write the complete code)
  6. Given a source and destination in a 2D matrix, count all possible ways to reach destination from source.
    Allowed steps are (x, y+1) and (x+1, y). (Complete code again)
    w3wiki Link

After this round 19 people were selected. I was one of them ?