OYO Rooms SDE-1 Experience(On-campus)

Oyo recently visited our campus(DAIICT) for SDE-1 profile. There was an online test followed by two F2F interview rounds there is no HR Round.

Round 1:  The online test was conducted on InterviewBit platform. It consists of 2 coding questions and 10 MCQs on DBMS and OS related. I would suggest to crack the first round of oyo rooms you must look at all the questions of data structure and algorithms from interviewBit because one of the question is most probably from interviewBit. Students who solved at least one coding question were selected for the next rounds.

The coding questions were the following :

  • https://www.w3wiki.net/count-possible-decodings-given-digit-sequence/
  •  https://www.w3wiki.net/palindrome-partitioning-dp-17/

Round 2: So it was the F2F round. He first asked me to introduce your self and after that, he moved on data structure and algorithms. He asked me which data structure you don’t like? And I am not that good in the graph so I told him I am not that much comfortable in graph. Always be honest. So now he told me you saved my lot of time. Then asked me the questions related trees and array.

The coding questions in this round were the following :

  • https://www.w3wiki.net/write-c-code-to-determine-if-two-trees-are-identical/
  • https://www.w3wiki.net/find-the-smallest-positive-number-missing-from-an-unsorted-array/
    • In this question I saw him the brute force solution it will take the  O(N*N) time then he told me can you do it in better time then I came up with O(N log N) solution but he was still not satisfied then finally I came up with O(N) solution then he told me can you do it in O(1) space and then he gave me the suggestion so finally I came with O(N) time and O(1) space solution. Then he asked me what is more important time complexity or space complexity? We had a great discussion about time complexity and space complexity and finally, I told him both is important it will depend upon the system and problem constraint.
  • Iterative version of inorder traversal.

In F2F round always start from brute force solution and then move to the optimum solution. I would suggest always ask questions if you were stuck in the problem interviewer always give you some hints.

Round 3:  This round also started with the introduction of myself. He was reading my resume I thought he might ask the questions from my resume related my projects but then he didn’t even ask the single question from my resume instead he was asking me how was your day? how was your first round and how many questions you solved in the first round? As I said always be honest. I answered all these questions very honestly. Then he said fine let’s move on data structure and algorithm. He asked me 2 coding questions and then he moved on core subjects DBMS and OS.

The coding questions in this round were the following :

  1. https://www.w3wiki.net/a-linked-list-with-next-and-arbit-pointer/
  2. https://www.w3wiki.net/detect-and-remove-loop-in-a-linked-list/

DBMS questions were based on SQL query, Normalization, ACID properties and most important topic indexing which is asked in most frequently in many interviews.

OS Questions were based on Process Scheduling, Disk Scheduling, Memory management.

Another question from OS was that he gave me 2 processes. One process consist one thread and it was printing hello word 100 times and another process consist of 10 threads and each thread is printing hello word 10 times. So we can say both process printing 100 times hello word and question that he asked me that which process was better? I told him process with 10 thread is better because we can achieve parallelism and save time. Then we had a discussion about the thread, mutex, and deadlock. At the end of this round, he asked me is there any question for me I would suggest always ask questions at the end of the interview. You can ask any question which is related to their company and profile on which you are applying.

At the end of this round, the result was declared and a total of 11 students were selected including me. Hope my experience helps.