p5.js | Mouse | winmouseY

The winmouseY variable in p5.js is used to store the current vertical position of the mouse, relative to (0, 0) of the window.



Below programs illustrate the winmouseY variable in p5.js:

Example 1: This example uses winmouseY variable to display its position.

function setup() {
    // Create canvas of given size
    createCanvas(1000, 400);
    // Set the text size
function draw() {
    // Set the background color
    // Create rectangle
    rect(winMouseX, winMouseY, 10, 10);
    // Display winMouseY position
    text("Position of winMouseY is "
        + winMouseY, 30, 40);


Example 2: This example uses winmouseY variable to display content.

function setup() {
    // Create canvas of given size
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    // Set the text size
function draw() {
    // Set background color
    // Create circle
    circle(winMouseX, winMouseY, winMouseX-winMouseY);
    // Create line
    line(0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight);
    // Check condition and display content
    if( winMouseX != winMouseY ) {
        text("You Lose", 12, 34);


Reference: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/dwinmouseY