Pafy – Getting Watch URL for Each Item of Playlist

In this article we will see how we can get the watch URLfrom playlist items in pafy. Pafy is a python library to download YouTube content and retrieve metadata. Pafy object is the object which contains all the information about the given video. A playlist in YouTube is a list, or group, of videos that plays in order, one video after the other. Watch URL is basically youtube actual URL for each item i.e each playlist video.

We can get the playlist from youtube in pafy with the help of get_playlist method, below is the command given to do this


The playlist url should exist on youtube as it get the information of those videos which are present on the youtube. YouTube is an American online video-sharing platform.

Steps to get the playlist ID
1. Import the pafy module
2. Get the playlist with the help of URL of playlist
3. Return play list work as dictionary so use ‘items’ as key with the return playlist
4. Store the result in variable and from the items select the single item
5. With the single item use ‘pafy’ key with it
6. Use watchv_url attribute with this pafy object to get the url

In order to do this we use watchv_url attribute with the playlist item’s pafy object

Syntax : playlist_pafy.watchv_url

Argument : It takes no argument

Return : It returns string

Below is the implementation

# importing pafy
import pafy 
# url of playlist
url = " / playlist?list = PLqM7alHXFySGqCvcwfqqMrteqWukz9ZoE"
# getting playlist
playlist = pafy.get_playlist(url)
# getting playlist items
items = playlist["items"]
# selecting single item
item = items[1]
# getting pafy object
i_pafy = item['pafy']
# getting watch url
y_url = i_pafy.watchv_url
# printing url

Output :

Another example

# importing pafy
import pafy 
# url of playlist
url = " / playlist?list = PLqM7alHXFySE71A2bQdYp37vYr0aReknt"
# getting playlist
playlist = pafy.get_playlist(url)
# getting playlist items
items = playlist["items"]
# selecting single item
item = items[1]
# getting pafy object
i_pafy = item['pafy']
# getting watch url
y_url = i_pafy.watchv_url
# printing url

Output :