Parth Institute Coaching Experience For IIT-JEE

The preparation for one of India’s toughest exams, JEE Mains and Advanced is not at all easy, it tests a student mentally and physically. Therefore, choosing the best coaching institute for guidance and teaching for one’s exam preparation as per one’s needs and capabilities is of paramount importance.

The coaching institute I was enrolled in was one of a kind, it was local and very strict and utmost focused on helping their students reach their goals, no matter what. They were determined to remove all distractions for their students and even went the extra mile to provide them with all they needed. From reading material to practice questions and even mock tests, they took care of everything. The head of the institute themselves designed a well-thought-out and planned timetable for all students to follow to ensure their success. The institute encouraged students to spend all day there and study under supervision in their specially designed reading rooms to avoid distractions and disturbances. Weekly and Monthly mock tests were held to ensure that students kept revising and to analyze their progress. All classrooms were air conditioned and had no windows or clocks, use of mobile phones or any other non-study related material except smart watches was forbidden. Teaching of every class was supervised by cameras which were always working and attended. Any indiscipline would be reported to parents immediately.

I was only taught subjects and topics in the syllabus of JEE Mains, though there was a separate section of students who were estimated to get admission into IITs based on their performance in the mock tests. They had a few more extra topics and concepts than others but each student had a booklet for each topic and these booklets had the pure crux of the concepts along with few examples to help in understanding, The rest of the booklet was complete questions with their solutions at the end. After solving the questions students were free to ask any doubts during class or afterwards, separate doubt-solving desks were set up for each subject and a teacher sat there almost all the time, this one-on-one approach helped improve understanding of the topic and brought concepts clarity. The teachers were experienced, supportive and helpful in all study-related aspects. Any suggestions to improve teaching or demand for any facility for better learning were quickly met, and challenges faced by a collective number of students were addressed almost immediately with haste. It is the best place for anyone who wants to learn and work hard but only if they can be disciplined.

The institute followed six steps to ensure success,

  1. Selection: Students are given admission into the institute through a tough selection test to determine whether or not they are fit and able to be a part of the institute and keep up with its teaching and rules.
  2. Teaching: Through classroom supervision not only the students but also the teacher’s teaching is supervised to make sure it is up to the mark, only good teachers with deep knowledge and clarity of concepts and topics of the subjects were hired and allowed to teach.
  3. Assignment: Questions to be solved during class and questions to be solved after class were assigned to students each day to maintain a habit of preparation and practice, this helped students stay in touch with the topic and remember its concepts and applications.
  4. Tests: Mock tests are taken weekly and monthly and evaluated to help students improve on their weak topics, this can be done with the help of their easily approachable teachers.
  5. Doubts: Doubt clarification is crucial for strengthening fundamental concepts, teachers are willing to solve doubts and teach concepts one-on-one in case the student faces difficulty in learning them during class.
  6. Personal Follow-up: Teachers and Motivators set up a meeting with a student and their parents in case they see his performance and scores dwindling to understand what hurdles the student is facing and make sure those are removed as soon as possible.

Personal Feedback:

My coaching institute greatly helped me secure my score, it wasn’t as good as I hoped for but I blame myself for it, not the institute. I’d rate my institute 8.5 out of 10 (8.5/10). To any aspiring candidates and students pursuing this course, please do not compromise on anything, choose the best institute for you and the one that suits your needs, and make sure the institute cares about your future enough to provide you with all the facilities I mentioned above if not more, but most of all your hard work and determination is what matters. A good institute is very important as it will provide you with guidance and a path but you are the one who has to walk and navigate through it, they can remove your hurdles to an extent but it is you who has to persevere.