Passing Structures as Function Arguments in Objective-C

Objective-C is a high-level programming language that is commonly used for developing applications for Apple’s Mac OS X and iOS operating systems. It is an object-oriented language that is designed to be easy to use and read, and it provides a powerful set of tools for building complex applications. One important feature of Objective-C is its ability to pass structures as function arguments. Structures are a way to group related data together into a single unit, which can then be used in various parts of an application. By passing structures as function arguments, it becomes possible to pass large amounts of data between different parts of an application, without having to pass each piece of data separately.

In Objective-C, structures can be passed to functions just like any other data type. This allows developers to create functions that can accept structures as input, process the data within the structure, and then return a result based on that data. This can greatly simplify the process of passing data between different parts of an application, and it can help to make the code more readable and maintainable.


In Objective-C, structures are defined using the struct keyword, followed by a structure name and a list of fields within curly braces {}. The syntax for defining a structure in Objective-C is as follows:

struct StructureName {

data type field1;

data type field2;


For example, to define a structure called Point with two fields x and y of type int, the syntax would be:

struct Point {

int x;

int y;


Once a structure has been defined, it can be used to create variables of that type. To create a structure variable, the structure name is used followed by a variable name, and the fields are initialized within curly braces {}. The syntax for creating a structure variable is as follows:

struct StructureName variableName = { field1 value, field2 value, … };

For example, to create a variable p of type Point, the syntax would be:

struct Point p = { 1, 2 };

To access the fields within a structure, the structure variable is followed by a dot . and the field name. For example, to access the x field within the p variable, the syntax would be:

int xValue = p.x;

When passing structures as function arguments, the syntax for passing by value is the same as passing any other data type. For example:

jvoid printPoint(struct Point p) {

NSLog(@”x: %d, y: %d”, p.x, p.y);


When passing structures as pointers, the syntax for passing by reference is similar to passing any other pointer type. The only difference is that the pointer is dereferenced using the arrow -> operator instead of the dot . operator. For example:

void printPoint(struct Point *p) {

NSLog(@”x: %d, y: %d”, p->x, p->y);


They can be passed to functions in two different ways: by value or by reference.

Passing structures by value means that the function receives a copy of the structure, and any changes made to the structure within the function do not affect the original structure. To pass a structure by value in Objective-C, the structure must be defined using the struct keyword, and it can be passed as an argument to a function just like any other data type. For example:

struct Point {

int x;

int y;


void printPoint(struct Point p) {

NSLog(@”x: %d, y: %d”, p.x, p.y);


int main() {

struct Point p = { 1, 2 };


return 0;


Passing structures by reference means that the function receives a pointer to the structure, and any changes made to the structure within the function affect the original structure. To pass a structure by reference in Objective-C, the structure must be defined using the struct keyword, and it can be passed to a function as a pointer to the structure. For example:

struct Point {

int x;

int y;


void printPoint(struct Point *p) {ō

NSLog(@”x: %d, y: %d”, p->x, p->y);


int main() {

struct Point p = { 1, 2 };


return 0;


In addition to passing structures as function arguments, they can also be returned as function results. This allows developers to create functions that return custom data types, which can then be used in other parts of an application. For example:

struct Point {

int x;

int y;


struct Point createPoint(int x, int y) {

struct Point p;

p.x = x;

p.y = y;

return p;


int main() {

struct Point p = createPoint(1, 2);

NSLog(@”x: %d, y: %d”, p.x, p.y);

return 0;


Overall, structures can be used in a variety of ways in Objective-C, and they can greatly simplify the process of organizing and passing data within an application.

Example 1:


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// Define a structure called "Point" that contains x and y coordinate
typedef struct {
   float x;
   float y;
} Point;
// Define a structure called "Circle" that contains a circle's radius and center point
typedef struct {
   float radius;
   Point center;
} Circle;
// Define a function that takes a pointer to a "Circle" structure and a scale factor as arguments
// The function scales the circle's radius by the scale factor
void scaleCircle(Circle *c, float scaleFactor) {
   c->radius *= scaleFactor;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
   // Create a Circle structure and initialize its fields
   Circle circle = {5, {0, 0}};
   // Call the scaleCircle function and pass a pointer to the Circle structure and a scale factor as arguments
   scaleCircle(&circle, 2);
   // Print the circle's radius which has now been doubled
   NSLog(@"Circle radius: %f", circle.radius);
   return 0;



This code defines a structure called a “Circle” that contains a circle’s radius and center point (which itself is a structure of type “Point”). It also defines a function called “scaleCircle” that takes a pointer to a “Circle” structure and a scale factor as arguments. The “scalecircle” function scales the circle’s radius by the scale factor by multiplying it by the scale factor. In the “main” function, we create a “Circle” structure called “circle” and initialize its fields, then pass a pointer to the structure as an argument to the “scaleCircle” function. The “scalecircle” function then scales the circle’s radius, and the change is reflected in the original “circle” structure.

Example 2:


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// Define a typedef for a structure called "Size" that contains a width and height
typedef struct {
    float width;
    float height;
} Size;
// Define a function that takes a "Size" typedef as an argument
// The function calculates and returns the area of the size
float areaOfSize(Size s) {
    return s.width * s.height;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    // Create a Size typedef and initialize its fields
    Size s = {10, 5};
    NSLog(@"Size: %f x %f", s.width, s.height);
    // Call the areaOfSize function and pass the Size typedef as an argument
    float area = areaOfSize(s);
    NSLog(@"Area of size: %f", area);
    return 0;

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