PayPal Interview Experience for SDE Intern (On-Campus) 2023

 Selection process:

Resume shortlisting: For this, I will say a decent GPA (preferably 8+) will get you shortlisted for the on-campus placement.

Online Assessment (Coding Round + MCQs): Time: 90 mins. Pattern: 1 medium leetcode level question + 10-15 MCQ based on Javascript/Web Development-related questions. I was able to solve all of them.

Question link: Similar to this question

Technical Round: Duration: 45 mins. Almost a month later, we got the OA result and the interview was scheduled within a week.

Topics on which similar Questions are asked:

  • Dynamic programming approach/greedy algorithm
  • Data Structure question(pointer, different inbuilt functions, and similar related questions with follow-ups like why prefer this, why not this approach)
  • OOPs concept basic questions(I was asked about polymorphism..its types)
  • DBMS(was asked to write SQL queries and follow up for every question)
  • One easy-medium leetcode question(related to string, I was asked to first tell approach and then code on hackerrank platform)

Question link:

HR round: It was the most fun and friendly round. 

There was a project discussion(a thorough discussion), was asked about my previous experience, my strengths, and several other questions to assess my behavior like how I handle stress/deadlines (was asked to tell some past experiences as an example).

By the end of the interview, it was a friendly interview experience with the interviewer.