PayU Interview Experience for Associate Software Engineer (On-Campus)

Date: 30 September 2021

Preliminary round: Online Test

  • On the HirePro platform with a mix of aptitude and core CS questions. The difficulty was easy to moderate. Coding questions were there with very basic difficulty.

Round 1: Technical round

 Time: 1:15 hr

  • The interviewer asked me about types of data structures (linear and non-linear). Then some questions on sorting and searching.
  • The interviewer asked me to dry run the bubble sort and merge sort on a given array. Make sure to explain every step in detail. Questions were also on recursion concept, divide and conquer like Binary search. 
  • Also, as PayU works on securing transactions, the interviewer asked me about types of cryptography. He then asked me to explain the Public key (Asymmetric) cryptography along with the RSA algorithm.  

Round 2: Technical Round

  • This round was based entirely on the resume. The interviewer asked me about every project, research paper mentioned in my resume. 
  • I was asked to explain my recent projects during Mtech thoroughly. Then the interviewer asked, ” Which technology do you want to work on?” and other related questions. Don’t get over-excited here and calmly reply that my decision will be based on the projects and business needs of the company. 
  • Never say like “Sir, I only want to work in data science profile”. Make yourself open to all relatable profiles. This round is also of 1 hr. If you were able to explain your resume indeed, this round is just a cakewalk for you.

Round 3: Hr round

  • For me, this round lasted only for 10 minutes. It was an HR round. The interviewer asked me some general questions like 
  • “Tell me about your accomplishments”, “Your daily routine,” and “What you are expecting from your first company”. 
  • It was the final round in the hiring process.

I don’t know where I went wrong in the HR round; unfortunately, I was not on the list of selected candidates.

Verdict: Not selected