Percent to Decimal Calculator

Percent to Decimal conversion is done by the calculator added below. This percent-to-decimal converter is an online tool prepared at w3wiki to help students and professionals all around the globe.

Percent to Decimal Conversion

Percent to Decimal conversion is achieved by the calculator converter added below,

How to Convert Percent to Decimal

To convert the percent to the decimal value we multiply the percent value by the factor of 0.001. This is used by the formula as,

1% = 1 × 0.01 = 0.01

10% = 10 × 0.01 = 0.1

50% = 50 × 0.01 = 0.5

100% = 100 × 0.01 = 1

200% = 200 × 0.01 = 2

Using the above conversion formula we easily convert the percent value to the decimal value.

For example, express 75% as decimal.

= 75%

= 75 × 0.01 = 0.75

Converting Percentage to Decimal

Percentage to Decimal conversion is achieved by the converter added above. To use the converter follow the steps added below,

Step 1: Note the given value in percent.

Step 2: Enter the given percent value in Percent input field of the Percent to Decimal converter.

Step 3: Cilck on clacultae button to find the decimal value of the given percent value.

Also, Check Decimal to Percent

Percent to Decimal Conversion Table

Percent to Decimal conversion table is added below,



0.1 %


1 %


2 %


3 %


4 %


5 %


6 %


7 %


8 %


9 %


10 %


20 %


50 %


100 %


This conversion table added above is used to easily convert the percent value to decimal value.

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Percent to Decimal Examples

Example 1: Convert 5% to Decimal.


To convert the % value to decimal value, we multiply % value by a factor of 0.01

  • 1% = 0.01

5% = 5 × 0.01 = 0.05

Example 2: Convert 12.5% to Decimal.


To convert the % value to decimal value, we multiply % value by a factor of 0.01

  • 1% = 0.01

12.5% = 12.5 × 0.01 = 0.125

Example 3: Convert 14% to Decimal.


To convert the % value to decimal value, we multiply % value by a factor of 0.01

  • 1% = 0.01

14% = 14 × 0.01 = 0.14

Example 4: What is Decimal value of 125%


To convert the % value to decimal value, we multiply % value by a factor of 0.01

  • 1% = 0.01

125% = 125 × 0.01 = 1.25

Percent to Decimal Worksheet

Q1: What is 90% as decimal?

Q2: What is decimal equivalent of 150% ?

Q3: How much is 33.33% as Decimal?

Q4. Convert 70% as Decimal.

Percent to Decimal – FAQs

1. How to change Percent to Decimal?

To convert a percentage to a decimal, we divide the percentage value by 100.

2. How do you write 2% as a decimal?

To write 2% as a decimal, we divide 2% by 100, 2% is equal to 0.02.

3. What is the Decimal point of 5%?

Decimal value of 5% is 0.05.

4. What is 4% as a Decimal?

4 % as decimal value is 0.04.

5. What is 30% as a Decimal?

30% as decimal is equal to 0.3.