Perform addition and subtraction using CherryPy

CherryPy also known as a web application library is a Python web framework that provides a friendly interface to the HTTP protocol for Python developers. It allows developers to build web applications the same way as in traditional object-oriented Python programs. Thereby, resulting in smaller source code developed in no time.

This framework is mainly for the developers who want to create a portable database-driven web application using Python, as it provides Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete functionalities.

The basic requirements for the installation of CherryPy include:

  • Python with version 2.4 or above
  • Cherrypy 3.0


To install cherrypy run the following command in terminal:

pip install cherrypy


  1. Create user interface to take input from user.
  2. Write cherrypy program to perform required operations

HTML code to take input from the user-


  <div class="container">  
    <form action="store" id="form" method="GET">
    <input type="number" name="number1" /><br />
    <input type="number" name="number2" /><br />
    <input style="margin-left: 250px;" id=" submit" type="submit"/></div>

Cherrypy code for addition


import cherrypy
class Root(object):
    def index(self):
        return """<html>
  <div class="container">  
    <form action="store" id="form" method="GET">
    <input type="number" name="number1" /><br />
    <input type="number" name="number2" /><br />
    <input style="margin-left: 250px;" id=" submit" type="submit"/></div>
    def store(self, number1, number2):
        out= """<html>
<p> Sum: %s</p>
        <a style="color:red; font-size:35px;" id="shutdown"; href="./shutdown"><i>Shutdown Server</i></a>
        return out % (str(answer))
    def shutdown(self):
if __name__=="__main__":
    cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_port': 8087})


Code for subtraction


import cherrypy
class Root(object):
    def index(self):
        return """<html>
  <div class="container">  
    <form action="store" id="form" method="GET">
    <input type="number" name="number1" /><br />
    <input type="number" name="number2" /><br />
    <input style="margin-left: 250px;" id=" submit" type="submit"/></div>
    def store(self, number1, number2):
        out= """<html>
<p> Result: %s</p>
        <a style="color:red; font-size:35px;" id="shutdown"; href="./shutdown"><i>Shutdown Server</i></a>
        return out % (str(answer))
    def shutdown(self):
if __name__=="__main__":
    cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_port': 8087})
