Performance Appraisals: Meaning, Significance, Objectives, Types and Criticism

What are Performance Appraisals?

Performance Appraisals, also known as performance reviews, are a process of assessing and evaluating an employee’s job performance systematically and formally. The primary purpose of performance appraisals is to provide feedback to employees about their work performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, set goals for improvement, and provide a basis for making decisions about promotions, raises, and other job-related matters. Performance appraisals typically involve a structured evaluation of an employee’s performance over a specified period with a focus on specific job-related competencies, skills, and behaviours. The process may involve the use of standardized rating scales, self-assessments, and feedback from supervisors, peers, and subordinates. The results of performance appraisals are used to inform decisions about career development, training, compensation, and other personnel actions.

Table of Content

  • Significance of Performance Appraisals
  • Objectives of Performance Appraisals
  • Types of Performance Appraisals
  • Criticisms of Performance Appraisals

Significance of Performance Appraisals

Performance appraisals are significant in a variety of ways for both employees and organizations. Here are some of the key reasons why performance appraisals are important:

  • Feedback and development: Performance appraisals provide employees with feedback about their job performance, identifying areas where they are excelling and areas where they need to improve. This feedback can help employees to develop their skills and improve their performance, which can increase their job satisfaction and motivation.
  • Goal setting: Performance appraisals often involve setting goals for the upcoming year or performance period. This gives employees a clear understanding of what is expected of them and provides a roadmap for their development.
  • Performance-based decisions: Performance appraisals are often used as a basis for making decisions about promotions, salary increases, and other job-related matters. By providing an objective evaluation of an employee’s performance, performance appraisals help to ensure that decisions are based on merit rather than favouritism or personal biases.
  • Communication and collaboration: Performance appraisals provide an opportunity for managers and employees to have a conversation about the employee’s job performance. This can help to build trust and improve communication and collaboration between employee and their manager.
  • Legal compliance: In some industries and jurisdictions, performance appraisals are required by law or regulation. By conducting regular performance appraisals, organizations can ensure that they comply with legal requirements.
  • Alignment with organizational goals: Performance appraisals help to align employee goals and performance with the overall goals of the organization. By providing feedback on how an employee’s performance supports the organization’s mission and objectives, performance appraisals can help to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Recognition and rewards: Performance appraisals can be used to recognize and reward employees who are performing well. This can include bonuses, promotions, or other forms of recognition that can help to boost employee morale and motivation.
  • Identification of training needs: Performance appraisals can help to identify areas where employees may need additional training or development. This can help organizations to provide targeted training that addresses specific skills or knowledge gaps.

Objectives of Performance Appraisals

The primary objectives of performance appraisals are to evaluate and assess employee performance, provide feedback on areas of strengths and areas for improvement, set performance goals, and make decisions regarding employee development and career growth. Here are some specific objectives of performance appraisals:

  • Evaluate employee performance: One of the main objectives of performance appraisals is to evaluate employee performance objectively and systematically. This involves assessing employee performance against specific job-related criteria, such as job duties, performance goals, and key performance indicators.
  • Provide feedback: Performance appraisals provide employees with feedback on their job performance, highlighting areas where they are doing well and areas where they need to improve. Feedback can be constructive and positive way, focusing on specific actions and behaviours that can be improved.
  • Set performance goals: Performance appraisals help to set performance goals that are aligned with the organization’s goals and objectives. These goals can be used to motivate employees and provide a clear path for career development.
  • Identify training and development needs: Performance appraisals can help to identify areas where employees may need additional training or development to improve their job performance. This can help employees to develop new skills and knowledge and improve their overall performance.
  • Determine compensation and rewards: Performance appraisals are often used to determine compensation and rewards for employees based on their job performance. This can include bonuses, salary increases, promotions, and other forms of recognition.
  • Support performance management: Performance appraisals are an important tool for performance management, which involves setting expectations, measuring performance, and providing feedback and coaching to employees to improve their performance.
  • Identify potential for career growth: Performance appraisals can help to identify employee yees who have the potential for career growth and development. This can include identifying employees who have the skills and experience to take on new responsibilities or roles within the organization.

So, the objectives of performance appraisals are to evaluate employee performance, provide feedback, set performance goals, identify training and development needs, determine compensation and rewards, support performance management, and identify the potential for career growth.

Types of Performance Appraisals

There are several different types of performance appraisals that organizations may use to evaluate employee performance. Here are some of the most common types of performance appraisals:

  • Graphic rating scales: This is one of the most common types of performance appraisal. It involves using a predetermined set of criteria to evaluate an employee’s performance, with ratings assigned on a scale (e.g., 1-5) for each criterion.
  • Behaviour-based appraisals: This type of appraisal focuses on the specific behaviours that employees exhibit on the job. It evaluates the extent to which employees exhibit desired behaviours and actions and may use examples of specific instances to illustrate their performance.
  • 360-degree feedback: This type of appraisal involves soliciting feedback from multiple sources, including the employee being evaluated, their manager, peers, and subordinates. This allows for a more well-rounded view of an employee’s performance and can help identify blind spots or areas for improvement.
  • Management by objectives: This type of appraisal involves setting specific performance objectives for employees and evaluating their performance based on how well they meet those objectives. This can help to align individual employee goals with the overall goals of the organization.
  • Critical incidents method: This type of appraisal focuses on specific critical incidents, or examples of particularly good or poor performance, that are recorded over some time. These incidents are then used to evaluate an employee’s overall performance.
  • Self-assessment: This type of appraisal involves having employees evaluate their performance. This can help to encourage self-reflection and self-improvement and provide valuable insights into an employee’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Essay evaluations: This type of appraisal involves providing a written evaluation of an employee’s performance, typically in the form of a narrative or essay. This allows for a more detailed evaluation of an employee’s performance but may be more time-consuming for managers to complete.

The type of performance appraisal that is used will depend on the goals of the organization and the specific needs of the employees being evaluated. Some organizations may use a combination of different types of performance appraisals to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of employee performance.

Criticisms of Performance Appraisals

While performance appraisals can be useful in evaluating employee performance and providing feedback, there are also some criticisms of the process. Here are some of the main criticisms of performance appraisals:

  • Subjectivity: Performance appraisals can be subjective, and different evaluators may have different opinions on an employee’s performance. This can lead to inconsistencies in the evaluation process and may result in unfair evaluations.
  • Bias: Evaluators may have biases that can influence their evaluations, such as personal preferences, stereotypes, or prejudices. This can lead to unfair evaluations and may contribute to discrimination in the workplace.
  • Lack of reliability: Performance appraisals may lack reliability if they are not based on objective criteria or if evaluators do not have a clear understanding of the criteria they are using to evaluate performance.
  • Lack of validity: Performance appraisals may lack validity if they do not accurately measure what they are intended to measure. For example, if the appraisal criteria are not directly related to job performance, the appraisal may not accurately reflect an employee’s performance.
  • Negative impact on morale: Performance appraisals can sometimes have a negative impact on employee morale, particularly if employees perceive the evaluation process as unfair or if they receive negative feedback without adequate support or guidance for improvement.
  • Focus on individual performance: Performance appraisals may focus too much on individual performance and may not take into account the contributions of teams or the broader context of the organization.

Overall, while performance appraisals can be a useful tool for evaluating employee performance, it is important to be aware of these criticisms and to work to address them in the evaluation process. This may involve implementing objective criteria, providing training for evaluators, and ensuring that employees receive constructive feedback and support for improvement.