Perl | grep() Function

The grep() function in Perl used to extract any element from the given array which evaluates the true value for the given regular expression.

Syntax: grep(Expression, @Array) 


  • Expression : It is the regular expression which is used to run on each elements of the given array.
  • @Array : It is the given array on which grep() function is called.

Returns: any element from the given array which evaluates the true value for the given regular expression.

Example 1: 


# Initialising an array of some elements
@Array = ('Beginner', 'for', 'Geek');
# Calling the grep() function
@A = grep(/^G/, @Array);
# Printing the required elements of the array
print @A;



In the above code, Regular expression /^G/ is used to get the element starting with ‘G’ from the given array and discard the remaining elements. Example 2: 


# Initialising an array of some elements
@Array = ('Beginner', 1, 2, 'Geek', 3, 'For');
# Calling the grep() function
@A = grep(/\d/, @Array);
# Printing the required elements of the array
print @A;

Output :


In the above code, Regular expression /^d/ is used to get the integer value from the given array and discard the remaining elements.

 Example 3: 


# Initialising an array of some elements
@Array = ('Ram', 'Shyam', 'Rahim', 'Geeta', 'Sheeta');
# Calling the grep() function
@A = grep(!/^R/, @Array);
# Printing the required elements of the array
print @A;

Output :


In the above code, Regular expression !/^R/ is used to get the elements not starting with ‘R’ and discard the elements which start with ‘R’.