Perl – Introduction to Debugger

Sure, here’s an introduction to the debugger in Perl:

The Perl debugger is a tool that helps you find and fix bugs in your Perl programs. It allows you to step through your code one line at a time, examine variables and expressions, set breakpoints, and much more. The debugger can be used in both command-line and graphical environments.

To use the Perl debugger, you need to start your Perl program with the “-d” option. For example, to start a program called “” in the debugger, you would run the following command:


perl -d

Once the debugger is started, you can use a variety of commands to control its behavior. Here are some of the most commonly used commands:

  1. s (step): Executes the current line of code and stops at the next line.
  2. n (next): Executes the current line of code and stops at the next line, but skips over subroutine calls.
  3. c (continue): Continues running the program until the next breakpoint or until the end of the program.
  4. p (print): Prints the value of a variable or expression.
  5. b (break): Sets a breakpoint at a specified line number, file, or subroutine.
  6. w (where): Prints a stack trace of the current call stack.
  7. q (quit): Quits the debugger.

The debugger also provides a range of other features, such as the ability to watch variables, change the value of variables, and evaluate expressions. You can find more information about the Perl debugger in the Perl documentation or by running the command “perldoc perldebug” in your terminal.

Perl is a general-purpose, high-level interpreted and dynamic programming language. Since Perl is a lot similar to other widely used languages syntactically, it is easier to code and learn in Perl. But perfect programs are hard to get in the very first attempt. They have to go through various steps of debugging to fix all errors. These programs may contain some bugs which result in the failure of code execution.

What is a bug?

A bug in software is a flaw, error, fault, or failure that causes the software to fail to perform designated tasks. In simple words, when we make an error during coding, we call it a bug. We measure the impact of a bug on the software by means of two parameters, namely – Severity and Priority.

What is debugging?

The process of finding and removing software errors that result in the failure of the software is known as debugging. The debugging phase starts just after receiving a bug report and ends when that bug is removed and the program is working correctly.

How it is done?

The debugging process includes the detection and removal of bugs from software programs. The steps of debugging are as follows:

  • Replication of bug: This is the first step in debugging, in which we try to recreate the steps which led to the failure of the program by giving the same set of inputs.
  • Understanding the bug: In this step, we try to analyze the reasons which led to the failure of the program. We may have to thoroughly understand the program execution for this. Thus, a debugger helps in this process by providing better mechanisms to understand the program. It inspects the program line-by-line, can pause the program by using breakpoints, and uses watch to keep track of variables, registers, etc.
  • Locating the bug: After we know the incorrect behavior, we aim to find the portion of source code that produces this error. This activity is known as locating the bug. To do this, we may have to inspect the source code, watch variable changes, etc.
  • Fixing the bug and re-testing of program: This is the final step of debugging, where we fix the bug in the software program. We then have to re-test the program and see if the bug is removed and all corrections are in place. During this step, it is possible that some other portions of the program may get affected too. Hence an impact analysis may have to be performed to identify the affected portions and re-test them. This process is known as regression testing.

Entering and Exiting the Debugger

To enter into debugger, we can type the following command :

perl -d program_name

Exiting the Debugger To exit from the debugger we can press q or use:

Ctrl+D or Ctrl+Z

Sure, here are some advantages and disadvantages of using the debugger in Perl:


Helps to identify and resolve bugs: The debugger allows you to step through your code one line at a time and examine variables and expressions, which makes it easier to identify and resolve bugs.

Saves time: The debugger can help you find bugs more quickly than manually inserting print statements into your code, which can save you time.

Can be used in both command-line and graphical environments: The Perl debugger can be used in both command-line and graphical environments, which makes it easy to use regardless of your preferred working environment.

Can be used with any Perl program: The debugger can be used with any Perl program, regardless of its complexity or size.

Sure, here are some advantages and disadvantages of using the debugger in Perl:


  1. Helps to identify and resolve bugs: The debugger allows you to step through your code one line at a time and examine variables and expressions, which makes it easier to identify and resolve bugs.
  2. Saves time: The debugger can help you find bugs more quickly than manually inserting print statements into your code, which can save you time.
  3. Can be used in both command-line and graphical environments: The Perl debugger can be used in both command-line and graphical environments, which makes it easy to use regardless of your preferred working environment.
  4. Can be used with any Perl program: The debugger can be used with any Perl program, regardless of its complexity or size.


  1. Steep learning curve: The debugger has a steep learning curve and can be difficult to master, which may be discouraging for new Perl developers.
  2. Can be time-consuming: While the debugger can save time by helping to identify bugs, it can also be time-consuming to use, especially if you need to step through a large codebase.
  3. May not work with certain programs: There are certain types of programs that may not work well with the debugger, such as programs that interact with external resources or that rely on specific environmental variables.
  4. Can be distracting: The debugger can be distracting and may interrupt your thought process, especially if you need to constantly switch between your code and the debugger interface.
  5. Overall, the Perl debugger can be a useful tool for identifying and resolving bugs in Perl programs, but it may not be the best solution for every situation. It’s important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using the debugger and determine whether it’s the best tool for your specific needs.:
  6. Steep learning curve: The debugger has a steep learning curve and can be difficult to master, which may be discouraging for new Perl developers.
  7. Can be time-consuming: While the debugger can save time by helping to identify bugs, it can also be time-consuming to use, especially if you need to step through a large codebase.
  8. May not work with certain programs: There are certain types of programs that may not work well with the debugger, such as programs that interact with external resources or that rely on specific environmental variables.
  9. Can be distracting: The debugger can be distracting and may interrupt your thought process, especially if you need to constantly switch between your code and the debugger interface.

Overall, the Perl debugger can be a useful tool for identifying and resolving bugs in Perl programs, but it may not be the best solution for every situation. It’s important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using the debugger and determine whether it’s the best tool for your specific needs.

Here are some important points to keep in mind when working with the Perl debugger:

  1. Start with simple code: If you are new to the Perl debugger, start by debugging simple code. This will help you to learn the basics of the debugger and build your confidence.
  2. Use breakpoints: Set breakpoints at key points in your code to help you isolate issues. Breakpoints can be set using the b command followed by a line number or a function name.
  3. Use the n command to step through code: The n command allows you to step through your code line by line. Use this command to identify the exact line of code where an issue is occurring.
  4. Examine variables and expressions: Use the p command to examine variables and expressions. This will help you to understand the current state of your code and to identify issues.
  5. Use the s command to step into subroutines: If you are calling a subroutine on a particular line of code, use the s command to step into the subroutine and debug it separately.
  6. Use the c command to continue execution: Once you have identified an issue, you can use the c command to continue execution until the next breakpoint or until the end of the program.
  7. Use the w command to examine the call stack: Use the w command to examine the current call stack. This will help you to understand the context in which your code is executing.
  8. Use the q command to quit the debugger: Use the q command to quit the debugger and return to the command line.

Overall, the Perl debugger is a powerful tool for debugging Perl code. By mastering the basics of the debugger, you can quickly identify and fix issues in your code, leading to more reliable and efficient software.

Here are some references for further reading on Perl debugging:

  1. Perl Debugging Tutorial: This tutorial provides a detailed introduction to Perl debugging and covers many of the key features and commands of the Perl debugger. Available at
  2. Debugging Perl Programs: This article provides an overview of Perl debugging and covers a range of techniques and tools for debugging Perl programs. Available at
  3. Mastering Perl: Debugging: This book provides a comprehensive guide to Perl debugging and covers a range of advanced topics, including debugging large programs, debugging web applications, and using advanced Perl debugger features. Available at
  4. Perl Debugger Cheatsheet: This cheatsheet provides a quick reference guide to the key commands and features of the Perl debugger. Available at
  5. Debugging with Perl: This book provides a comprehensive guide to debugging Perl code and covers a range of topics, including common debugging techniques, advanced debugging tools, and debugging Perl modules. Available at