Perl | log() Function

log() function in Perl returns the natural logarithm of value passed to it. Returns $_ if called without passing a value. log() function can be used to find the log of any base by using the formula:

Syntax: log(value)

value: Number of which log is to be calculated

Floating point number in scalar context

Example 1:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Calculating log of base 10 
# using log function
print "log10(2): ", log10(2), "\n";
print "log10(7): ", log10(7), "\n";
print "log10(9): ", log10(9), "\n";
# Function for log10 calculator
sub log10 
    my $n = shift;
    # using pre-defined log function
    return log($n) / log(10);


log10(2): 0.301029995663981
log10(7): 0.845098040014257
log10(9): 0.954242509439325

Example 2:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Calculating log of different 
# base using log function
print "log3(2): ", log3(2), "\n";
print "log5(7): ", log5(7), "\n";
print "log2(9): ", log2(9), "\n";
# Function for log3 calculator
sub log3 
    my $n = shift;
    # using pre-defined log function
    return log($n) / log(3);
# Function for log5 calculator
sub log5
    my $n = shift;
    # using pre-defined log function
    return log($n) / log(5);
# Function for log2 calculator
sub log2 
    my $n = shift;
    # using pre-defined log function
    return log($n) / log(2);


log3(2): 0.630929753571457
log5(7): 1.20906195512217
log2(9): 3.16992500144231