Perl | my keyword

my keyword in Perl declares the listed variable to be local to the enclosing block in which it is defined. The purpose of my is to define static scoping. This can be used to use the same variable name multiple times but with different values.
Note: To specify more than one variable under my keyword, parentheses are used.

Syntax: my variable

variable: to be defined as local

does not return any value.

Example 1:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Local variable outside of subroutine
my $string = "Beginner for Beginner";
print "$string\n";
# Subroutine call
print "$string\n";
# defining subroutine 
sub my_func
    # Local variable inside the subroutine
    my $string = "This is in Function";
    print "$string\n";
# defining subroutine to show
# the local effect of my keyword
sub mysub 
    print "$string\n";


Beginner for Beginner
This is in Function
Beginner for Beginner
Beginner for Beginner

Example 2:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Local variable outside of subroutine
my $string = "Welcome to Beginner";
print "$string\n";
# Subroutine call
print "$string\n";
# defining subroutine 
sub my_func
    # Local variable inside the subroutine
    my $string = "Let's GO Geeky!!!";
    print "$string\n";
# defining subroutine to show
# the local effect of my keyword
sub mysub 
    print "$string\n";


Welcome to Beginner
Let's GO Geeky!!!
Welcome to Beginner
Welcome to Beginner

How to define dynamic scoping?

The opposite of “my” is “local”. The local keyword defines dynamic scoping.

# A perl code to demonstrate dynamic scoping 
$x = 10; 
   return $x
   # Since local is used, x uses   
   # dynamic scoping. 
   local $x = 20; 
   return f(); 
print g()."\n"