Perl | rindex() Function

rindex() function in Perl operates similar to index() function, except it returns the position of the last occurrence of the substring (or pattern) in the string (or text). If the position is specified, returns the last occurrence at or before that position.

# Searches pat in text from given Position
rindex text, pattern, Position

# Searches pat in text
rindex text, pattern


  • text: String in which substring is to be searched.
  • pat: Substring to be searched.
  • index: Starting index(set by the user or it takes zero by default).

-1 on failure otherwise position of last occurrence.

Example 1:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$pos = rindex("WelcomeTow3wikiWorld", "eks");
print "Position of eks: $pos\n";
# Use the first position found as the offset 
# to the next search.
# Note that the length of the target string is
# subtracted from the offset to save time.
$pos = rindex("WelcomeTow3wikiWorld"
                          "eks", $pos - 3 );
print "Position of eks: $pos\n";


Position of eks: 19
Position of eks: 11

Example 2:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$pos = rindex("w3wiki", "eks");
print "Position of eek: $pos\n";
# Use the first position found as the 
# offset to the next search.
# Note that the length of the target string is
# subtracted from the offset to save time.
$pos = rindex("w3wiki", "eks", $pos - 2);
print "Position of eek: $pos\n";


Position of eek: 10
Position of eek: 2