Perl | Useful Array functions

In Perl, array is a special type of variable. The array is used to store the list of values and each object of the list is termed as an element. Elements can either be a number, string, or any type of scalar data including another variable. 
Array in Perl provides various inbuilt functions to perform operations like adding and removing elements from a pre-defined array.


# Initializing the array
@x = ('Java', 'C', 'C++');
# Print the Initial array
print "Original array: @x \n";
# Using push() function
# Pushing multiple values in the array
push(@x, 'Python', 'Perl');
print("Pushing new values...\n");
# Printing the array
print "Updated array: @x\n";
# Using pop() function
print("\nPopping the last element...\n");
# Prints the value returned by pop
print "Value returned by pop: ", pop(@x);
# Prints the array after pop operation
print "\nUpdated array: @x";


Original array: Java C C++ 
Pushing new values...
Updated array: Java C C++ Python Perl

Popping the last element...
Value returned by pop: Perl
Updated array: Java C C++ Python


Some useful array functions are listed below:


Function Description
push() Used to push a list of values onto the end of the array
pop() Returns the last element of Array passed to it as an argument, removing that value from the array
shift() Returns the first value in an array, removing it and shifting the elements of the array list to the left by one
unshift() Places the given list of elements at the beginning of an array, shifting all the values to the right
sort() Used to sort a list with or without the use of method of sorting
wantarray() Returns True if the currently executing subroutine expects to return a list value, and false if it is looking for a scalar value.
exists() Used to check whether an element in an given array or hash exists or not
grep() Used to extract any element from the given array which evaluates the true value for the given regular expression
join() Combines the elements of LIST into a single string using the value of VAR to separate each element