Permutation tests in Machine Learning

Permutation tests become quite useful in these situations, offering a reliable and adaptable substitute for hypothesis testing. The basic idea behind permutation testing is to generate a null distribution by randomly permuting the observed data. This allows for inference to be made without making strict assumptions about the distribution of the data. This article aims to demystify permutation tests in machine learning.

Table of Content

  • What are Permutation Tests?
  • Permutation Tests vs Traditional Parametric Tests
  • Estimating the p-value in Permutation Tests
  • P-values and its Interpretation in Permutation Tests
  • Permutation Test in Python
  • Benefits and Limitations of Permutation Test
  • Applications of Permutation Tests in Machine Learning

What are Permutation Tests?

Permutation tests are non-parametric statistical techniques that evaluate the importance of observable variations or effects in data. Permutation tests function by randomly rearranging the data labels or observations to produce a null distribution of the test statistic under the premise of no impact or difference between groups, in contrast to parametric tests which presume particular distributional qualities. Permutation tests reveal information about the probability of observing the observed result under the null hypothesis by comparing the observed test statistic to the distribution of permuted test statistics.

Permutation tests produce several pseudo-samples under the null hypothesis by randomly permuting the labels or observations of the data. To ascertain the significance of the observed test statistic, it is then compared to the distribution of permuted test statistics. P-values indicate how strong the evidence is against the null hypothesis. They are obtained from the proportion of permuted test statistics that are more extreme than the observed statistic. P-values in permutation testing show the likelihood of finding a test statistic that is as extreme as or more extreme than the observed value when the null hypothesis is applied.

Permutation Tests vs Traditional Parametric Tests

FeaturePermutation TestParametric Tests (t-test and ANOVA)
PurposeNon-parametric method for comparing groups when parametric assumptions are violated or data distribution is unknownParametric methods for comparing means of groups assuming normality and equal variances.
AssumptionNo assumptions about the underlying distribution of data, robust to violations of assumptions such as normality and homogeneity of variancesAssumes normal distribution of data and equal variances between groups
Test statisticTest statistic derived from permutations of the datat-value for t-test, F-value for ANOVA
ExampleComparing median income between two different citiesComparing mean exam scores between different teaching methods

Estimating the p-value in Permutation Tests

Permutation tests offer a powerful approach for hypothesis testing without relying on stringent assumptions about data distributions. Here’s a systematic method to evaluate the p-value using permutation tests:

Step 1: Choose a Test Statistic

Begin by selecting a suitable test statistic that captures the essence of the hypothesis being tested. Common test statistics include the difference in means, correlation coefficient, or any other relevant measure depending on the nature of the data and the research question.

Step 2: Shuffle the Data (Force the Null Hypothesis to be True)

Under the null hypothesis , assume that there is no meaningful difference or association between groups or variables. To simulate this scenario, shuffle or permute the observed data while maintaining the group labels or the relationship between variables intact. This shuffling process ensures that any observed differences or associations are due to random chance alone.

Step 3: Create a Null Sampling Distribution of the Test Statistic (under )

Generate multiple permutations of the shuffled data and compute the test statistic for each permutation. This results in a null sampling distribution of the test statistic, representing the distribution of values expected under the null hypothesis. The number of permutations should be large enough to adequately approximate the null distribution.

Step 4: Find the Observed Test Statistic on the Null Sampling Distribution and Compute the p-value

Compare the observed test statistic, calculated from the original unshuffled data, with the null sampling distribution. Determine the proportion of permutations where the test statistic is as extreme as or more extreme than the observed value. This proportion represents the p-value.

For a one-sided test, the p-value corresponds to the proportion of permutations where the test statistic is greater than or equal to the observed value (if testing for significance in one direction). For a two-sided test, it includes both extremes (greater and smaller values) depending on the directionality of the hypothesis.

P-values and its Interpretation in Permutation Tests

P-values in permutation testing indicate the likelihood that a test statistic observed under the null hypothesis will be as extreme as or more extreme than the observed value. A low p-value suggests that the observed outcome is unlikely to have happened by accident alone and provides strong evidence against the null hypothesis. To ascertain if the observed result is statistically significant, researchers usually assign a predetermined significance level (e.g., α = 0.05). The alternative hypothesis is accepted in place of the null hypothesis, suggesting a significant impact or difference, if the p-value is less than the significance level.

Permutation Test in Python

Here’s a Python implementation of a permutation test function for comparing means of two groups:

def permutation_test(group_a, group_b, num_permutations=10000):
    observed_statistic = np.mean(group_a) - np.mean(group_b)
    combined_data = np.concatenate((group_a, group_b))
    permuted_statistics = []

    for _ in range(num_permutations):
        perm_group_a = combined_data[:len(group_a)]
        perm_group_b = combined_data[len(group_a):]
        perm_statistic = np.mean(perm_group_a) - np.mean(perm_group_b)

    p_value = np.sum(np.abs(permuted_statistics) >= np.abs(observed_statistic)) / num_permutations
    return p_value

# Example usage:
group_a = np.array([85, 88, 90, 84, 86])
group_b = np.array([78, 80, 82, 85, 79])
p_value = permutation_test(group_a, group_b)
print("p-value:", p_value)


p-value: 0.022

This function can be used to conduct permutation tests for various types of data and test statistics in Python.

Benefits and Limitations of Permutation Test


  • Flexibility: Applicable to various data types and test statistics.
  • Few assumptions: Relies minimally on assumptions about the underlying data distribution.


  • Computationally expensive: For large datasets, calculating all possible permutations becomes cumbersome.
  • Limited to specific scenarios: Not suitable for all types of hypothesis testing.

Applications of Permutation Tests in Machine Learning

Permutation tests find diverse applications in machine learning, including:

  1. Assessing the significance of feature importance scores in predictive models.
  2. Evaluating the performance difference between machine learning algorithms or configurations.
  3. Testing for the presence of correlations between variables in datasets.
  4. Validating the effectiveness of preprocessing techniques or data transformations.