PERN vs PEAN Stack

PERN Stack: PERN stack is a technology that uses PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node.js to construct a full-fledged self-independent web application. 

  • PostgreSQL It is a SQL database, and having a good command over SQL databases will make it a cakewalk for you. The most significant advantage is that it is an open-source database that means thousands of developers are constantly working on it to make it better. It stores data in a tabular method and uses constraints, triggers roles, etc. to manage them. It gives you the edge to define your own data types and write the program in different languages.
  • Express It is mainly used for the back-end development of websites and is used alongside Node.js. It handles all the functions like rerouting, HTTPS, and handling errors. Like Postgres, it is also open-sourced since it mostly requires JavaScript to run. It is easy for users to use it and create and call APIs to obtain data. Without express, we would have to write our code for routing websites and handling errors.
  • ReactJS ReactJS is a frontend library used to design the frontend part and interactive elements of the website. It was developed by Facebook, and you need to have a firm grip on JavaScript to use it. One of the main reasons it is used is the Virtual DOM, making the user experience hassle-free and easier to write code. It is used primarily to design single-page apps which are responsive across various screen resolutions. It allows for making lightweight applications on short notice. And the libraries give us enough flexibility to design and develop our features according to the project requirements.
  • Node.jsThis is also an open-source language-based mostly on JavaScript and used to code the server part of the websites. It runs on the V8 engine and executes the code outside the web browser. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it lightweight and efficient, making it the optimal choice for data-intensive real-time applications that run across many devices over a network. Although it uses a single-threaded model with event looping, it is still highly scalable. The same single-threaded program can provide service to more requests than conventional Apache HTTP servers.

PEAN stack: In contrast, the PEAN stack is roughly the same, but instead of ReactJS, it uses AngularJS for front-ended development.

  • AngularJS It is a frontend-based JavaScript library that was developed and maintained by Google. It helps you to use the standard HTML template and extend it to express your application components clearly. Its ability to bind data and dependency injection eliminates most of the code. And since all of this happens within the browser, it is an ideal partner for any server-based technology. It is used to develop large-scale and high storage applications that already have prevalent features in the market.

Since most of their components are the same except the frontend language, choosing depends on your requirements to make the simple decision-making look at the comparison between them.

1. Performance and size — Since React has the support of Virtual DOM, their apps have a higher-performing speed than Angular. Poor performance is a huge red flag in app development, and users generally won’t prefer it if the app takes time to load certain essential things. The Virtual DOM ensures optimal performance, the ability to handle frequent UI updates overcome performance issues. While on the other hand, Angular is infamous for its low performance with complex and dynamic applications. Thus, in terms of performance, React is the winner.

Angular uses the fundamental DOM feature and is best for single-page applications where the page contents are rarely to be changed. It is also the best choice for high storage and heavy applications because it is a full-featured MVC framework and has an angular router and dependency injection. It creates a particular opinion on how our app should be structured. While React is preferred for lightweight applications giving you more freedom to choose the libraries according to your requirements.

2. Project requirements — React can turn out to be the ideal choice when your project matches the following requirements-

  • When you have a stronghold over HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • You want to add a lot of custom features that may not have been in the industry yet and requires different extensions.
  • The app needs multiple events for functioning.

On the Other hand, Angular can turn out to be the requirement when

  • You have a good hold over C# and Java.
  • You want to install features that are already prevalent in the market quickly.

3. Migration- Although React has seamless transitions, it depends on many extensions and external libraries. The team would have to keep a regular check on the third-party installations for updates and bugs to always be compatible with the main project.

On the other hand, Angular already supports the Command Line Interface, which has many inbuilt commands and doesn’t require much third-party software’s due to which it is easier to update. It reduces the workload of the team to check for updates on different third-party software.

4. Data Binding- The Angular library uses a two-way data binding approach that automatically changes the model state when the team changes UI elements and the opposite.

On the other hand, the React library uses only a one-way data-binding approach. Due to which the change in UI can only be done after the model state is changed which is much more convenient where projects involve large amounts of codes.

5. Help and support- While building a project, bugs and errors are bound to occur, so which language gives us more support? According to Stack Overflow and many other websites, React is more prevalent among developers due to which it has a stronger community, and chances are your bugs will be resolved fast if you ask for help. The Virtual DOM implementation has created a large community for developers, and it allows apps to be rendered more quickly than Angular apps.

But in the case of Angular, it seems to have a comparatively smaller community circle, so resolving bugs may take a while in this case.

6. Ease to learn- Angular has a complete framework, so if anybody wants to do an Angular project, the developer would have to spend a lot of time getting a good grip over the language before proceeding to the development part. Also, it has many new things for beginners, and beginners would have to follow a strict architecture while coding.

While ReactJS is nothing more than a group of open-sourced libraries and Angular, there are fewer topics to learn and easier ones. In React, we combine HTML and JavaScript to form JavaScript XML. So switching over new syntax and codes won’t take much time. It gives the coder the flexibility to a certain extent to code themselves.

In a nutshell, after analyzing all the above points and matching them with your project requirements, you should carefully choose which language to choose.

To make things a little easier, if you want to make something in a short time, custom features, an exemplary user interface, and a communicable platform use React. Facebook, Uber, Instagram, Dropbox, and Netflix use React.

Otherwise, if you want something which needs high performance, it is a large-scale implementation consistency of code, and easy bidirectional data link chooses Angular. Google, UpWork, HBO, Forbes, and Sony use Angular.