Persistent Systems Interview Experience (On-Campus 2021 Batch)

Round 1 (Online Test): Round 1 was conducted on 4th September 2020 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM on AMCAT Platform.

This round consists of two parts :

Objective round: This was a 50 minutes test that comprised of MCQ’s on Operating systems, Computer Architecture, DBMS, Computer Networks, English Comprehension, and Logical reasoning, and 1 question from Linux.

  • Ex. Find hamming distance 

Subjective round: This was a 40 minutes coding test in which you have to solve 2 coding questions.

  1. In my case, the first coding question was to find prime numbers from 2 to a given number. Visit for the solution.
  2. I don’t remember the 2nd question but it was a little tricky.

I solved both coding questions completely.

After 5-6 hrs I got the mail and I qualified for the Advanced Coding Test(For higher package).

Advanced Coding Test was on the same day from 06:30 PM to 09:00 PM but the time allotted was 45 minutes. Means any 45min between 6:30 to 9 pm.

I was able to solve 1 problem 80% out of 2 problems, and I was not qualified for a higher package. On 6 Sept 2020, Our TPO received the list of selected students, and I was shortlisted for the interviews for the base package.

Technical Interview 1: A technical interview was conducted on 6th Oct 2020.

Questions asked me in the T1 interview

  1. Introduction
  2. Then he told me to open the chatbox and asked what is written and how many times (hii was written 3 times)
  3. Given a C++ code and told to find an error if any or what is the output


    Class A
        private int i;
    class B : Class A
        private int j;
      A a
      B b


    Note: Don’t check the syntax

  4. Puzzle: 9 circles in a triangle. and 1-9 nos are given. Arrange the words so the addition of each side of the triangle should be equal.

  5. What is Compile Time Binding

  6. Run time binding

  7. A real-life example of polymorphism

  8. Process and threads

  9. Find the middle of a linked list ( approach needed) (told 2 times traversal technique then he asked to do in the one traversal. I told two pointers technique)

  10. Reverse the Linked List (reverse Linked List function code needed) 5 min was given but after 2 mins told me to do in 1 min

  11. 2-3 Codes given in chatbox and asked to find output, errors if any and why

  12. TCP and UDP, unicast and multicast

  13. Normalisation

  14. Many to many relation real-life example

  15. What is recursion

  16. Again Given a code asked what is this?

  17. Again given a code, what is the output

    class A
            A(int a)
                   { }
               { }
            A a(1)
            A b
  18. Explain the code

    int *ptr = 0;
    for(1-10) //means 1 to 10
    ptr = malloc(12)

Do you have any questions, I asked 3 questions

  1. What are the benefits of being a persistent employee? He said I am a technical person. Better if you ask this question to HR
  2. It was my first interview how did you feel interviewing me. He said: was good
  3. Any suggestions for me. He said keep learning

On the same day at 7:26 PM, I received the mail: You have shortlisted for the level 2 technical round. The interviews are scheduled for tomorrow.

Technical Interview 2: Date: 07th October 2020

Questions asked:

  1. How are u?
  2. Where do you live
  3. Tell me about your last project(just title)
  4. Let’s assume we have to design a database schema for students and courses how will you design and what will be the relationship between student and course. I said many to many relationships, and we need to design 3 tables one for students, one for courses, and one for student-course relationship some questions on the database.
  5. What is encapsulation and its example
  6. What is inheritance? Example of inheritance
  7. Abstraction
  8. Do you know about ML or AI? I said I’m going to learn that.
  9. On what projects you want to work on after joining persistent. I said ML. Then He said what if we don’t have an ML domain. Then I said in Cyber Security.
  10. What is a transaction? Where we use transactions. Example of transaction.
  11. Then he said we are done Mayur

Do you have any questions I said I’ve one question

How did you feel interviewing me? He said good

Keep learning. Not just python, ML, learn new technologies and told me everything about company culture in 3-4 mins.

Then on 8th Oct 2020, I received mail that You have been shortlisted for the HR round at our base Package. HR round is scheduled today between 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM on the same day.

HR Round: Date: 8th Oct 2020. This round was the best. Only 10 min round no technical questions.

  1. He asked me to introduce
  2. Do u know Linux?
  3. The Latest project title
  4. Why do u want to join?
  5. Then he said you need to work on your communication
  6. Then he asked What do u know about us

Then he said Thank you, we are done with this

After 3-4 days our TPO received the mail, and I was selected.