Pgmagick blur() method – Python

The blur() function is an inbuilt function in the Pgmagick library which is used to to add blur filter to the image. The function returns the true value on success.


blur( radius, sigma )

Parameters: This function accept two parameters as mentioned above and described below:

  • radius:This parameter stores the value of the blur radius.
  • sigma: It is an optional parameter which stores the sigma of the object.

Return Value: This function returns the Pgmagick object with image added.

Input Image:

Example 1:

from pgmagick import Image, DrawableCircle, DrawableText
from pgmagick import Geometry, Color
# draw the image of dimension 600 * 600
img = Image('input.png')
# invoke blur function with radius 4 and sigma 6
img.blur(4, 6)
# invoke write function along with filename


Example 2:

# import library
from pgmagick import Image, DrawableCircle, DrawableText
from pgmagick import Geometry, Color
# Draw image of dimension 600 * 600 having background green
im = Image(Geometry(600, 600), Color("# 32CD32"))
# invoke DrawableCircle() function
circle = DrawableCircle(100, 100, 300, 20)
# invoke draw() function
# set font size to 40px
# invoke DrawableText() function
text = DrawableText(250, 450, "w3wiki")
# invoke draw() function
# invoke blur function with radius 5 and sigma 8
im.blur(5, 8)
# invoke write function along with filename
