Phases of Project Management Process

In any project, knowing where you’re going is half the battle won. That’s where understanding the different phases of project management comes in handy. It’s like having a step-by-step guide to follow, ensuring you stay on track and reach your goals smoothly. So, let’s break down these phases and see how they fit into the big picture of project success.

Table of Content

  • What is the Project Management Process:
  • Phases of Project Management Process: 
  • Principles of Project Planning:
  •  Advantages of the Project Management Process:
  • Disadvantages of the Project Management Process:
  • What is a Project life Cycle in Project Management?
  • Responsibilities of Software Project Manager:
  • Job Responsibilities of Software Project Manager:
  • Conclusion: Phases of Project Management Process

What is the Project Management Process?

Project Management Process

Project Management is the discipline of planning, monitoring, and controlling software projects, identifying the scope, estimating the work involved, and creating a project schedule. Along with it is also responsible for keeping the team up to date on the project’s progress handling problems and discussing solutions.

Phases of Project Management Process:

Phases of project management Process

1. Project Initiation/Feasibility Study:

This phase involves defining the project, identifying the stakeholders, and establishing the project’s goals and objectives.

A feasibility study explores system requirements to determine project feasibility. There are several fields of feasibility study including economic feasibility, operational feasibility, and technical feasibility. The goal is to determine whether the system can be implemented or not. The process of feasibility study takes as input the required details as specified by the user and other domain-specific details. The output of this process simply tells whether the project should be undertaken or not and if yes, what would the constraints be. Additionally, all the risks and their potential effects on the projects are also evaluated before a decision to start the project is taken. 

2. Project Planning:

In this phase, the project manager defines the scope of the project, develops a detailed project plan, and identifies the resources required to complete the project. A detailed plan stating a stepwise strategy to achieve the listed objectives is an integral part of any project. Planning consists of the following activities: 

  • Set objectives or goals
  • Develop strategies
  • Develop project policies
  • Determine courses of action
  • Making planning decisions
  • Set procedures and rules for the project
  • Develop a software project plan
  • Prepare budget
  • Conduct risk management
  • Document software project plans

This step also involves the construction of a work breakdown structure(WBS). It also includes size, effort, schedule, and cost estimation using various techniques. 

3. Project Execution:

This phase involves the actual implementation of the project, including the allocation of resources, the execution of tasks, and the monitoring and control of project progress. A project is executed by choosing an appropriate software development lifecycle model (SDLC). It includes several steps including requirements analysis, design, coding, testing and implementation, testing, delivery, and maintenance. Many factors need to be considered while doing so including the size of the system, the nature of the project, time and budget constraints, domain requirements, etc. An inappropriate SDLC can lead to the failure of the project.

4. Project Monitoring and Controlling:

This phase involves tracking the project’s progress, comparing actual results to the project plan, and making changes to the project as necessary. In the project management process, in that third and fourth phases are not sequential in nature. These phase will run regularly with the project execution phase. These phase will ensure that project deliverable are need to meet.

During the monitoring phase of the project management phases. The manager will respond to the proper tracking the cost and effort during the process. This tracking will not ensure that budget is also important for the future projects.

There can be many reasons for the termination of a project. Though expecting a project to terminate after successful completion is conventional, at times, a project may also terminate without completion. Projects have to be closed down when the requirements are not fulfilled according to given time and cost constraints. This phase involves completing the project, documenting the results, and closing out any open issues.

Some reasons for failure include: 

  • Fast-changing technology
  • The project running out of time
  • Organizational politics
  • Too much change in customer requirements
  • Project exceeding budget or funds

Once the project is terminated, a post-performance analysis is done. Also, a final report is published describing the experiences, lessons learned, and recommendations for handling future projects.

Project management is a systematic approach to planning, organizing, and controlling the resources required to achieve specific project goals and objectives. The project management process involves a set of activities that are performed to plan, execute, and close a project. The project management process can be divided into several phases, each of which has a specific purpose and set of tasks.

Principles of Project Planning:

The project should be effective so that the project begins with well-defined tasks. Effective project planning helps to minimize the additional costs incurred on the project while it is in progress.

  1. Planning is necessary: Planning should be done before a project begins.
  2. Risk analysis: Before starting the project, senior management and the project management team should consider the risks that may affect the project.
  3. Tracking of project plan: Once the project plan is prepared, it should be tracked and modified accordingly.
  4. Most quality standards and produce quality deliverables: The project plan should identify processes by which the project management team can ensure quality in software.
  5. Description of flexibility to accommodate changes: The result of project planning is recorded in the form of a project plan, which should allow new changes to be accommodated when the project is in progress

Advantages of the project management process:

  • Provides a structured approach to managing projects.
  • Helps to define project objectives and requirements.
  • Facilitates effective communication and collaboration among team members.
  • Helps to manage project risks and issues.
  • Ensures that the project is delivered on time and within budget.

Disadvantages of the Project Management Process:

  • Can be time-consuming and bureaucratic
  • May be inflexible and less adaptable to changes
  • Requires a skilled project manager to implement effectively
  • May not be suitable for small or simple projects.

What is a Project life Cycle in Project Management?

The Project Life Cycle is a framework that outlines the phases a project goes through from initiation to closure. It typically includes five main phases. Each phase has specific objectives, activities, and deliverables, and the Project Life Cycle provides a structured approach for managing and executing projects efficiently. The Project Life Cycle helps project managers and teams understand the project’s progression, allocate resources effectively, manage risks, and ensure successful project outcomes.

Responsibilities of Software Project Manager:

  • Proper project management is essential for the successful completion of a software project and the person who is responsible for it is called the project manager.
  • To do his job effectively, the project manager must have a certain set of skills. This section discusses both the job responsibilities of a project manager and the skills required by him.

Job Responsibilities of Software Project Manager:

  • Involves the senior managers in the process of appointing team members.
  • Builds the project team and assigns tasks to various team members.
  • Responsible for effective project planning and scheduling, project monitoring, and control activities to achieve the project objectives.
  • Acts as a communicator between the senior management and the other persons involved in the project like the development team and internal and external stakeholders.
  • Effectively resolves issues that arise between the team members by changing their roles and responsibilities.
  • Modifies the project plan(if required)to deal with the situation.

Conclusion: Phases of Project Management Process

Project management is a procedure that requires responsibility. The project management process brings all the other project tasks together and ensures that the project runs smoothly. As a result, the project management team should have a thorough awareness of all project management procedures as well as the tools that can be used for each one.

Reference books:

  1. “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)” by Project Management Institute. This book provides a comprehensive overview of project management, including the project management process and the best practices used in project management.
  2. “Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling” by Harold R. Kerzner. This book provides a comprehensive guide to project management, including the project management process, tools, and techniques used in project management.
  3. “Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products” by Jim Highsmith. This book provides an overview of agile project management, a popular approach to project management that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and adaptability.