Phishing in Ethical Hacking

Phishing is one type of cyber attack.It is an unethical way to dupe the user or victim to click on harmful sites. The attacker crafts the harmful site in such a way that the victim feels it to be an authentic site, thus falling prey to it. The most common mode of phishing is by sending spam emails that appear to be authentic and thus, taking away all credentials from the victim. The main motive of the attacker behind phishing is to gain confidential information.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is a type of Social Engineering attack that aims to obtain sensitive information including bank account numbers, usernames, passwords, and credit card details. It is mostly done by sending fake emails that appear to have come from a legitimate source, or it can be in the form of Vishing. The recipient is mostly manipulated to click a malicious link that can install malware or access sensitive information. Or it can simply be a case of Typosquatting that redirects the recipient to a malicious website to obtain login credentials. 

History of Phishing

In the early to mid-1990s, the only available Internet option was ‘dial-up’ access, which cost money. For those who were afraid to pay for Internet access, there was a thirty-party free trial to connect to the Internet using an AOL floppy disc. Rather than living without the Internet once the trial passed, several people discovered a way to modify their screen identities to appear to be AOL administrators. Using these fake screen names, they would “phish” for log-in information to continue using the World Wide Web for free. The number of phishing attacks grew rapidly because internet banking and e-commerce also developed. On the other hand, the phishing led to the evolution of preventive strategies like anti-phishing software applications, email filters, and education on phishing scams through training sessions during the mid-2000s. In the early 2000s, few individuals were familiar with phishing. It was not widely known that scammers pretended to be trustworthy authorities in order to win a jackpot. During this time, phishers began to target online payment platform such as PayPal and E-gold. For example, criminals sent an email to a large number of Paypal users, instructing them to update their credit card information, but instead stole their information.

How is Phishing Carried Out?

  • It will have an eye-catching subject such as “Congratulations! You’ve won an iPhone”.
  • It will reflect a sense of urgency so that the recipient doesn’t get enough time to re-think and make a mistake in a hurry that can later benefit the attackers.
  • It will have attachments that make no sense with respect to that email.

How does phishing work?

  1. Preparation: The attacker selects a goal(targeted user) and collects all data about them, which includes e-mail addresses, social media profiles, or any other data.
  2. Creation of fraudulent content material: The attacker creates fraudulent content material, including phishing emails, textual content messages, or social media messages. This content often includes logos, branding, or language that imitates big and authenticate companies.
  3. Delivery of the phishing attempt: The attacker sends the phishing content material to the focused people through e-mail, text messages, and social media. The messages include clicking on a link, downloading an attachment, or providing sensitive data.
  4. Manipulation: The phishing content material is crafted to manipulate recipients into taking positive action.
  5. Victim Interaction: If the recipient falls for the phishing attempt, they’ll click on a malicious link, and download a wrong attachment. By doing this, all the sensitive information of the user will go to the attacker.
  6. Exploitation of Data: Once the attacker obtains the sensitive data, consisting of login credentials, financial information, and private data, they can exploit it for various malicious purposes. This may include identification theft, financial fraud, and unauthorized access.

Types of Phishing Attacks

Different types of phishing attacks are used by the attacker:

1. Spear Phishing attack

This is a type of attack that is done to target any specific organization or any certain people. It is a type of attack that can’t be initiated by any random type of hacker. It can be initiated by someone who needs information and that can be related to financial gain. A Spear Phishing attack is almost the same as a normal phishing attack. Both of them will appear from a trusted source. It is considered one of the most successful attacks. 

2. Clone Phishing

This is a type of attack that works based on copying email messages that came from a worthy or trusted source. Hackers alter the information present in the original email and also add a link or attachment. This link or attachment is malicious and will make the user go to a fake website. Now this altered link is sent to a large number of people and the hacker waits for someone who will take the initial approach of clicking the malicious link. When the link or attachment is clicked, the email will be sent to the contacts of the user. 

3. Cat Phishing

This is a type of attack that is socially engineered. It kind of plays with the emotions of the victim and exploits, such that attackers can have a benefit related to financial gain and information of the victim. 

4. Voice Phishing

This is a type of attack that does not require an attacker to make the user go through their fake website. We call this sometimes vishing. Someone who will follow the steps of vishing will have the knowledge to appear as a trusted source, such that the victim can be convinced. They use another thing that is IVR which makes the legal authority face difficulty when needed for tracing, blocking, or monitoring.  As it is a type of phishing attack, this is also used for getting credit card details and some confidential information of the victim. 

5. SMS phishing

This is also a type of attack that makes the user reveal information that can be related to the credit card details or some sensitive information. Just like other phishing attacks, this will also appear as a trusted source to the victim. Android phones and smartphones are mostly used by every user and this gives the opportunity to the attacker to perform this phishing attack. It makes it easy for the attacker in avoiding the trouble of breaking firewalls and stealing information.

6. Whaling or CEO fraud

Whaling is the term used when attackers target a “big fish” such as a CEO. These attackers frequently spend a significant amount of time analyzing their victim in order to determine the best time and method for acquiring login information. Whaling is particularly concerning because top executives have access to an large amount of company information.

Why do you need a multilayered approach?

A multilayered approach can help you defend against phishing while minimizing disruption to user productivity. This strategy provides several opportunities to detect and stop a phishing attempt before it causes significant harm. The mitigating measures provided are also helpful against different types of cyber threats. There are four different layer of mitigation in multilayered approach and these are given below:

  • Layer 1: This Layer describes the security measures that can make it harder for attackers reach to user.
  • Layer 2: This Layer explains how to help your employees identify phishing emails and how to enhance your reporting culture.
  • Layer 3: Since it is impossible to prevent all attacks, this layer explains how to reduce the impact of phishing emails that reach your users and are clicked.
  • Layer 4: Every company face security issues at some time, so make sure you’re prepared to notice them immediately and respond to them in a structured manner.


Threats of Phishing

Almost all kinds of Internet theft are possible through Phishing. It can be very dangerous if the received malicious link is clicked. It can:

  • Redirect to a website used for malicious purposes.
  • Install malware or Ransomware to the PC.
  • Steal confidential data of the Internet users such as credit card information.
  • Steal the identity of the users for the purpose of Identity theft.

Prevention Measures of Phishing

The first and foremost recommended thing is to go through the email thoroughly. The attackers make tiny mistakes that often get skipped while reading. Re-check the spellings, the source, and the subject before taking any further steps.

  • Computer security tools should be in updated form.
  • Never open suspicious email attachments.
  • Never click on suspicious email links.
  • Don’t provide confidential information via email, over the phone, or text messages.
  • Don’t post your personal data, like your vacation plans, or your address or phone number, publicly on social media.

Frequently Asked Question on Phishing – FAQs

Is there any software or tools that can help prevent phishing attacks?

IronScales is an advanced, self-learning phishing protection solution. It combines human interaction with AI-based identification to counter phishing attacks.

Is phishing punishable?

Penalties for performing phishing activities may include criminal charges, fines, and imprisonment, depending on the seriousness of the crime and the rules of the relevant jurisdiction.

How is spoofing different from phishing?

In spoofing hacker tries to steal the identity to act as another individual while in phishing hacker tries to steal the sensitive information of the user.

Can businesses be targeted by phishing attacks?

Yes, Phishing attack can be done on organisation of any size and type.