PHP Constant Class

The const keyword is used to declare a class constant. A constant is unchangeable once it is declared. The constant class declared inside the class definition. The class constant is case-sensitive. However, it is recommended to name the constants in all uppercase letters. Constant differ from normal variables as no $ (dollar sign) is used. The default visibility of class constants is public. Class constants are useful when you need to declare some constant data (which does not change) within a class.

There are two ways to access class constant:

  1. Outside the Class: The class constant is accessed by using the class name followed by the scope resolution operator (::) followed by the constant name.



class code{
    // Declare const class
    const Greetings = "Welcome to w3wiki";
// Access const class
echo code::Greetings


Welcome to w3wiki

2. Inside the Class: It can be accessed by using the self keyword followed by the scope resolution operator(::) followed by the constant name.



class code{
    // Declare const class
    const Greetings = "Welcome to w3wiki";
    public function welcome(){
        echo self::Greetings;
// Access const class
$val = new code();


Welcome to w3wiki