PHP | GmagickDraw bezier() Function

The GmagickDraw::bezier() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to draw bezier curve.


GmagickDraw GmagickDraw::bezier( array $coordinate_array )

Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter $coordinate_array which holds the multidimensional array which takes the points through which curve is to be made.

Return Value: This function returns GmagickDraw object on success.

Exceptions: This function throws GmagickDrawException on error.
Used Image: To capture the canvas area.

Below given programs illustrate the GmagickDraw::bezier() function in PHP:

Program 1: Simple Bezier Curve

// Create a new Gmagick object
$gmagick = new Gmagick('w3wiki.png');
// Create a GmagickDraw object
$draw = new GmagickDraw();
// Set the color
// Function to draw rectangle
$draw->rectangle(-10, -10, 800, 400);
// Set the fill color
// Set the stroke width
// Draw the curve
    ['x' => 10, 'y' => 10],
    ['x' => 0, 'y' => 0],
    ['x' => 620, 'y' => 0],
    ['x' => 550, 'y' => 170],
// Use of drawimage function
// Display the output image
header("Content-Type: image/png");
echo $gmagick->getImageBlob();


Program 2: Bezier curve with stroke and fill

// Create a new Gmagick object
$gmagick = new Gmagick('w3wiki.png');
// Create a GmagickDraw object
$draw = new GmagickDraw();
// Set the color
// Function to draw rectangle
$draw->rectangle(-10, -10, 800, 400);
// Set the fill color
// Set the stroke color
// Set the stroke width
// Draw the curve
    ['x' => 10, 'y' => 10],
    ['x' => 0, 'y' => 150],
    ['x' => 620, 'y' => 0],
    ['x' => 550, 'y' => 170],
// Use of drawimage function
// Display the output image
header("Content-Type: image/png");
echo $gmagick->getImageBlob();

