PHP Memcached getByKey() Function

The Memcached::getByKey() function is an inbuilt function of Memcached class in PHP which is used to retrieve an item from a specific server. Functionally this function is equivalent to Memcached::get() function, except that the free-form server_key can be used to map the key to a specific server.


public Memcached::getByKey($server_key, 
    $key, $cache_cb = ?, $flags = ?): mixed

Required Parameters: This  function accepts four parameters that are discussed below:

  • server_key: The key identifying the server to store the value on or retrieve it from.
  • key: The key of the item to fetch.
  • cache_cb: Read-through caching callback or null
  • flags: Flags to control the returned result. When the value of Memcached::GET_EXTENDED is given, it will return the CAS token.

Expected return value: For finding the value of a key from the specific server if we use Memcached::getByKey(), we can expect two type of values either the value stored in the cache or false otherwise. In case if key does not exist in the server Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND as error.

Below examples illustrate the Memcached::getByKey() function in PHP:

Example 1:


echo "<pre>";
// Server & port details
$server = '';
$port = 11211;
// Initiate a new object of memcache
$memcacheD = new Memcached();
// Add server
if ($memcacheD->addServer($server, $port)) {
    echo "**  server added ** \n";
else {
    echo "** issue while creating a server **\n";
// Set key & value with TTL
$key = "w3wiki1";
$value = "computer science portal";
$ttl = 3600;
if ($memcacheD->addByKey( "serverkey", $key, $value, $ttl))
      echo "** added key-value (" . $key . ":" 
      . $value . ")to cache successfully!! **\n";
      echo "** error while adding value to cache!! **\n";
// Get value of key
echo "****   FETCHED VALUE   FOR KEY :" . $key . " ****\n";
$valD = $memcacheD->getByKey("serverKey", $key);


*  server added **
** added key-value (w3wiki1:computer science portal)to cache successfully!! **
****   FETCHED VALUE   FOR KEY :w3wiki1 ****
string(23) “computer science portal”



echo "<pre>";
// Server & port details
$server = '';
$port = 11211;
// Initiate a new object of memcache
$memcacheD = new Memcached();
// Add server
if ($memcacheD->addServer($server, $port)) {
    echo "**  server added ** \n";
else {
    echo "** issue while creating a server **\n";
// Set key & value with TTL
$key = "w3wiki2";
$value = "computer science portal";
$ttl = 3600;
if ($memcacheD->addByKey( "serverkey", $key, $value, $ttl)) 
      echo "** added key-value (" . $key . ":" 
      . $value . ")to cache successfully!! **\n";
// Already added, try it once
if ($memcacheD->addByKey( "serverkey", $key, $value, $ttl)) 
      echo "** added key-value (" . $key . ":" 
      . $value . ")to cache successfully!! **\n";
      echo "** error while adding value to cache!! **\n";
// Get value of key
echo "****   FETCHED VALUE   FOR KEY :" . $key . " ****\n";
$valD = $memcacheD->getByKey("serverKey", $key);


**  server added **
** added key-value (w3wiki2:computer science portal)to cache successfully!! **
** error while adding value to cache!! **
****   FETCHED VALUE   FOR KEY :w3wiki2 ****
string(23) “computer science portal”
