Phylum Porifera | Class 9 Biology

Our planet is gifted with various living life forms, which change in size, shape, environment, sustenance, proliferation, and much more. In view of their actual elements and their territory, these creatures of Kingdom Animals are grouped into various requests and classes. Creatures live in various conditions, including water, land, deserts, timberlands, fields, ice land, and water and ice to deserts and backwoods, and meadows. This multitude of life forms comprises something many refer to as cells. Cells are the structural blocks of life and one of the main qualities of living creatures. They are primary units of life completing explicitly appointed capabilities. A gathering of such cells structures a tissue.


Variety in living organic entities can be capable wherever on the planet. The warm and moist locales of the earth are profoundly assorted and are known as the district of super biodiversity. 12 nations on the planet have the greater part of the biodiversity on the planet. India is one of them.

Every individual has a novel DNA setup. We vary among people in the manner we look and changed credits adding to it, for example, our level, appearance, and so on. On the off chance that we contrast ourselves and alternate animal types like a pony or a fish, we would change enormously in practically everything viewpoints except assuming a pony is contrasted with a zebra, we would have the option to just draw a couple of contrasts.

Phylum Porifera


Phylum Porifera are the least multicellular creatures having a place with the realm Animalia.

“Porifera” principally alludes to the pore carriers or pore-bearing species. In light of the embryological review, Sponges are demonstrated as creatures and are ordered into a different Phylum of creatures. This phylum incorporates around 5000 species. Poriferans are pore-bearing first multicellular creatures. The pores are known as Ostia. The poriferans have a springy appearance and are in this way called Sponges. They are appended to the base and don’t move. They can assimilate and keep liquids. They were at first viewed as plants because of their green tone and their cooperative relationship with green growth. Afterward, their life cycle and taking care framework were found, and they were remembered as the animals of the world collectively. Sponges are tracked down in shallow water and remote oceans, however, are constantly viewed as appended to the floor of the ocean. They can be found at a profundity of in excess of 8000 meters. Example: Hylonema, Sycon.

Qualities of Phylum Porifera

  1. Porifera are referenced beneath.
  2. The cells of Poriferans are inexactly coordinated.
  3. They are generally tracked down in marine water. A couple is tracked down in freshwater.
  4. They are either radially balanced or unbalanced.
  5. Their body is typically barrel-shaped.
  6. The scleroblast secretes spicules while spongin filaments are emitted by Spongio-blasts.
  7. They have no organs in their body.
  8. They portray cell grade of association.
  9. The body involves various pores known as Ostia and osculum.
  10. The focal cavity is called spongocoel or chamber which opens to the outside through the osculum.
  11. They imitate agamically by sprouting and discontinuity.
  12. The nourishment is holozoic.
  13. They have neurosensory cells however are absent from any and all a particular sensory system.
  14. They have the ability to recover the lost parts.
  15. The advancement is roundabout and the cleavage is holoblastic.
  16. The trading of respiratory gases and nitrogenous squanders happens in the course of dissemination.


Phylum Porifera is ordered into three classes:


  • They are viewed in marine, shallow, and seaside water.
  • Their skeleton is made out of calcareous spicules made of calcium carbonate.
  • The body is round and hollow and shows spiral balance.
  • The body association is asconoid, syconoid, or leuconoid.
  • Example: Clathrina, Scypha


  • They are tracked down in marine and remote ocean.
  • The skeleton is comprised of six-rayed siliceous spicules.
  • The body is round and hollow in shape and displays spiral evenness.
  • The trench framework is Sycon or Leucon.
  • Example: Euplectella, Hyalonema


  • They are tracked down in marine or freshwater.
  • The body is unbalanced and round and hollow in shape.
  • The trench framework is a leuconoid type.
  • The skeleton involves spongin filaments, siliceous spicules, which are Mono-axon and Triaxon.
  • Examples: Spongia, Spongilla, and so on.

FAQs on Porifera

Question 1: Define Porifera.


Phylum Porifera are the least multicellular creatures having a place with the realm Animalia.” Porifera” principally alludes to the pore carriers or pore-bearing species. In light of the embryological review, Sponges are demonstrated as creatures and are ordered into a different Phylum of creatures.

Question 2: Where are the Sponges found?


Sponges are tracked down in shallow water and remote oceans, however, are constantly viewed as appended to the floor of the ocean. They can be found at a profundity of in excess of 8000 meters.

Question 3: Define Hexactinellids.


They are tracked down in marine and the remote ocean. The skeleton is comprised of six-rayed siliceous spicules. The body is round and hollow in shape and displays spiral evenness. The trench framework is Sycon or Leucon. Example: Euplectella, Hyalonema.

Question 4: Define Calcarea?


They are viewed in marine, shallow, and seaside water. Their skeleton is made out of calcareous spicules made of calcium carbonate. The body is round and hollow and shows spiral balance.The body association is asconoid, syconoid, or leuconoid. Example: Clathrina, Scypha.

Question 5: Define Desmospongiae.


They are tracked down in marine or freshwater. The body is unbalanced and round and hollow in shape. The trench framework is a leuconoid type. The skeleton involves spongin filaments, and siliceous spicules, which are Mono-axon and Triaxon. Example: Spongia, Spongilla, and so on.