Pie chart in Pygal

Pygal is a Python module that is mainly used to build SVG (Scalar Vector Graphics) graphs and charts. SVG is a vector-based graphics in the XML format that can be edited in any editor. Pygal can create graphs with minimal lines of code that can be easy to understand and write.

Pie Chart

A pie chart or a circle chart is a chart which is a circular arithmetical graphic, which is divided according to the values to demonstrate numerical proportion and percentage represented by each category is provided next to the corresponding slice of pie. Pie chart is good to represent data in many slices and is very effective while understanding.

A simple pie chart is a chart which represents the data series in one whole pie with a different percentage. Each slice of a pie is proportionally different from the sum of all the data present in a series. It can be created using the Pie() method of pygal module.


pie_chart = pygal.Pie()

Example 1:

# importing pygal
import pygal
# creating line chart object
pie_chart = pygal.Pie()
# naming the title
pie_chart.title = 'Pie chart'
# random data
pie_chart.add('A', 10)
pie_chart.add('B', 20)
pie_chart.add('C', 30)
pie_chart.add('D', 40)


Example 2:

# importing pygal
import pygal
import numpy
# creating line chart object
pie_chart = pygal.Pie()
# naming the title
pie_chart.title = 'Pie chart'
# random data
pie_chart.add('A', numpy.random.rand(5))
pie_chart.add('B', numpy.random.rand(5))
pie_chart.add('C', numpy.random.rand(5))
pie_chart.add('D', numpy.random.rand(5))
