Placement Preparation Guide

This guide will cover everything you need to prepare for your dream job. The basic structure of this course is as follows:

  • Resume Building
  • Application Procedure
  • Details about the interview rounds
  • Interview Experiences
  • Practice Tracks
  • Mock Tests
  • FAQs regarding placements
  • Additional Resources

Placement preparation solely depends on the company for which you are preparing. There are basically three different categories into which we can divide the companies visiting campuses for placements based on their recruitment process.

  1. Mass Recruiters
  2. Tech Giants
  3. Others / Start-ups

Companies belonging to the above categories have their own recruitment process. In this course, we will try to cover every possible detail required to know for cracking interview of the companies falling in each of the above categories.

Resume Building

According to the wiki definition,

A resume is a brief summary of your skills and experience over one or two pages.

A resume must be built according to a specific job opening and the company. Resumes can have different formats based on the profile for which you are applying, the company to which you are applying etc. Here, we will discuss a format which is suitable for the role of Software Developers. Below are some of the key points that everyone should keep in mind while writing a Resume:

  1. Single Page Resume: The most common mistake that everyone makes is to write every possible detail about themselves in their resume which makes their resumes lengthy up to 2-3 pages. Recruiters do not have this much of time to read a complete resume of 2-3 pages, they hardly pay around 20-30 seconds on each resume. So, keep your resume short up to a single page. Also, when you are writing less then you will write only important things about you.
  2. No Career Objective: This is also a common mistake done by job aspirants. A career objective generally read as, “Objective: To utilize my knowledge, skills, and abilities as a Software Engineer”. Focusing on this quoted sentence it basically states the position you are applying for and your interests which the recruiter already knows. So, including this will only end up eating space in your resume.
  3. Include Accomplishments: Try to make your resume accomplishment-oriented and not responsibilities oriented. Accomplishments state the things you have achieved and how well do you have managed your responsibilities.
  4. Count Matters: Do not get confuse with the word count here. By count, we mean that you should always specify the count whenever you are including any accomplishment in your resume. For Example, if you have won any competition then do specify this achievement along with your rank.
  5. Avoid Grammatical Mistakes: Do read your resume multiple times to check if there is any grammatical error.
  6. Mention the relevant keywords: If you are applying for the product based companies it’s good to mention the words like “Good at data structures and algorithms” or “Good in problem solving or fixing the bug” at the top of your resume. Most of the companies have algorithms for CV scan. These algorithms search for these kind of keywords. If you are an experienced developer already working in a product based company you can also mention this in your resume.
  7. Mention how good you are in specific programming language: It’s good to mention clearly in which programming language you are proficient, which programming language you are good at or familiar with.
  8. Avoid Grammatical Mistakes: Do read your resume multiple times to check if there is any grammatical error.
  9. More content, less space: Use a good resume template, with columns. This will allow you to fit more content on your resume while making it easier to scan for key information like company names and titles.
  10. Projects: You must pick your top 2-3 projects to list on your resume. It does not matter if these projects are a part of your academic projects or it is an independent one. You may also list an ongoing project if the project matches with the tech stack of the company you are applying to. For example, if you are working on an ongoing project based on ReactJS and the company for which you want to apply also uses ReactJS then you should include that project in your resume. This is said because many companies have a resume filtering option. That is when you apply for a vacancy on their website your resume passes through an initial keyword matching process before it reaches to the hiring team.
  11. Additional Experience: You may also add additional experiences but it will be of benefit to you only when your additional experiences match with the position you are applying for. For example, consider that you are applying for a technical role and you have added an additional experience of “Content Writer“. This will not seek the attention of the recruiter in any way. But if you add an additional experience of “Technical Content Writer” then it will surely credit some score to your resume.
  12. Do not Fake: Do not ever fake on resume. Listing something fake on your resume have a very high chance of getting you into trouble. Recruiter always tries to ask questions based on the resume. That is, things you have listed you have expertise in.

Recruitment Process

Recruitment Process of any company is carried out in a minimum of 3-4 step process. Based on some factors like the number of interview rounds, company size, pay packages offered by the companies etc. we have classified this section in three categories namely Mass Recruiters, Tech Giants and Others/Start-up. Below is the list of recruitment process in details of some of the Mass Recruiters, Tech Giants and Start-ups:

Practice Placement Tracks

Data Structures and Algorithms is a topic which can be mastered only by practice. Only theoretical knowledge of this subject is not sufficient for cracking interviews. We have prepared a complete track of previously asked interview questions and newly framed questions based on various important DS and Algo concepts (See here: This track will also have most frequently asked questions in the interviews of several companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Flipkart etc. Some important links for practicing DS/Algo:

Apart from problems on DS/Algo we also have MCQ questions on Aptitude, Programming languages(C, C++, Java etc.), basics of Data Structures and other CS subjects. We also have prepared theoretical articles on various CS subjects that are frequently asked in interviews:

Mock Placement Test

Practicing repeatedly on our practice tracks as suggested above will obviously make you familiar with the topics but to help you utilize the knowledge you have gained we have prepared a Mock Placement Tests series for both Mass Recruiters and Tech Giants which will be conducted weekly.

Mock Tests

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Placements

Additional Resources:

  • Cracking the Coding Interview : 189 Programming Questions and Solutions (Flipkart | Amazon)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy (Flipkart | Amazon)
  • Head First Design Patterns, 10th Anniversary Edition (Covers Java 8) : A Brain-Friendly Guide (Flipkart | Amazon)
  • Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition (Flipkart | Amazon)
  • Operating System Concepts 8 Edition (Flipkart | Amazon)

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