POTD Solutions | 16 Nov’ 23 | Find the String

Welcome to the daily solutions of our PROBLEM OF THE DAY (POTD). We will discuss the entire problem step-by-step and work towards developing an optimized solution. This will not only help you brush up on your concepts of Depth First Search (DFS) but will also help you build up problem-solving skills.

POTD Solution 16 November 2023

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POTD 16th Nov

POTD 16 November: Find the String:

Given two integers N and K, the task is to find the string S of minimum length such that it contains all possible strings of size N as a substring. The characters of the string should be from integers ranging from 0 to K-1.  


Input: N = 2, K = 2
Output: 00110
Explanation: Allowed characters are from 0 to k-1 (i.e., 0 and 1). There are 4 string possible of size N=2 (i.e “00”, “01”,”10″,”11″). “00110” contains all possible string as a substring. It also has the minimum length.

Input: N = 2, K = 3
Output: 0010211220
Explanation: Allowed characters are from 0 to k-1 (i.e., 0, 1 and 2). There are total 9 strings possible of size N, given output string has the minimum length that contains all those strings as substring.

Find the String using Depth First Search:

In this, we find the lexicographically smallest string of length N using digits from 0 to K-1, such that it contains all possible strings of size N as substrings. The solution employs Depth First Search (DFS) to explore the possibilities and generate the required string.

Step by step approach:

  1. Check if N is 1, return a string containing all digits from 0 to K-1.
  2. Initialize the current string ans with N zeros.
  3. Insert the initial string into the set and call the dfs function to generate the lexicographically smallest string
    • dfs() function returns a boolean indicating whether all possible strings are generated.
    • if the set contains all possible strings, return true.
    • Extract the last N-1 digits from the current string ans into a string tmp.
    • Iterate through all possible digits from 0 to K-1.
      • push the current digit to the tmp vector.
      • If the newly generated string is not in the set, add the digit to the current string, insert the newly generated string into the set, and recursively call the dfs() function.
      • If the recursive call returns true, indicating all possible strings are generated, return true.
      • Remove the newly generated string from the set and the added digit from the current string.
      • Remove the appended digit from the last N-1 digits.
    • Return false.
  4. Return the ans string.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


class Solution {
    int K, N;
    long long tot;
    // set to store the generated strings
    set<string> st;
    // Function to perform depth-first search to generate
    // all possible strings
    bool dfs(string& ans)
        // if all possible strings are generated, return
        // true
        if (st.size() == tot) {
            return true;
        string tmp = "";
        // get the last N-1 digits of the current string
        if (N > 1) {
            tmp = ans.substr(ans.size() - N + 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
            // for each possible digit add the digit to the
            // last N-1 digits
            tmp.push_back((char)(i + '0'));
            // if the newly generated string is not already
            // in the set
            if (st.find(tmp) == st.end()) {
                // add the digit to the current string
                ans.push_back(char(i + '0'));
                // insert the newly generated string to the
                // set
                if (dfs(ans))
                    return true;
                // remove the newly generated string from
                // the set
                // remove the added digit from the current
                // string
            // remove the added digit from the last N-1
            // digits
        return false;
    // Function to find the lexicographically smallest
    // string of length N using K digits
    string findString(int n, int k)
        K = k;
        N = n;
        // clear the set
        // if N=1, return a string of all digits from 0 to
        // K-1
        if (n == 1) {
            string r = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                r.push_back((char)(i + '0'));
            return r;
        tot = 1;
        // calculate total number of possible strings
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            tot = (tot * k);
        // initialize current string with all zeros
        string ans = string(n, '0');
        return ans;


class Solution {
    int K, N;
    long tot;
    // HashSet to store visited combinations
    HashSet<String> st = new HashSet<>();
    String ans;
    boolean dfs()
        // If all combinations are visited, return true
        if (st.size() == tot) {
            return true;
        String tmp = "";
        // Get the last N-1 digits of the current
        // combination
        if (N > 1) {
            tmp = ans.substring(ans.length() - N + 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
            // Append the current digit to the last N-1
            // digits of the current combination
            tmp += i;
            if (!st.contains(tmp)) {
                // Append the current digit to the final
                // combination
                ans += i;
                st.add(tmp); // Add the current combination
                             // to the visited combinations
                if (dfs())
                    return true;
                // Remove the current combination from the
                // visited combinations
                // Remove the last digit from the final
                // combination
                ans = ans.substring(0, ans.length() - 1);
            // Remove the last digit from the last N-1
            // digits of the current combination
            tmp = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length() - 1);
        // If no valid combination is found, return false
        return false;
    public String findString(int n, int k)
        K = k;
        N = n;
        if (n == 1) {
            char[] r = new char[k];
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                r[i] = (char)(i + '0');
            return new String(r);
        tot = 1;
        // Calculate the total number of possible
        // combinations
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            tot = (tot * k);
        // Create a character array to store the final
        // combination
        char[] ansa = new char[n];
        Arrays.fill(ansa, '0');
        ans = new String(ansa);
        return ans;


class Solution:
    # Function to perform depth-first search and find the string
    def dfs(self, ans, d, tot, N, K):
        global res
        if len(d) == tot:  # if all combinations have been tried
            res = ans
            return True
        tmp = ""
        if N > 1:
            # get the last N-1 characters of the current string
            tmp = ans[len(ans)-N+1:]
        for i in range(K):
            # # iterate through all possible characters and add the character to the current string
            tmp += chr(48+i)
            # check if the current string is unique
            if tmp not in d:
                 # add the character to the final answer
                ans += chr(48+i)
                # mark the current string as used
                d[tmp] = 1
                if self.dfs(ans, d, tot, N, K):
                    return True
                # remove the current string from the dictionary
                # remove the character from the final answer
                ans = ans[0:len(ans)-1]
            # remove the last character from the current string
            tmp = tmp[0:len(tmp)-1]
        return False
    # Function to find the string of length N with K possible characters
    def findString(self, N, K):
        # if N is 1, return a string of all possible characters
        if N == 1:
            r = ""
            for i in range(K):
                r += chr(i+48)
            return r
        # total number of possible combinations
        tot = pow(K, N)
        ans = '0'*(N)
        # dictionary to store used strings
        d = dict()
        # mark the initial string as used
        d[ans] = 1
        self.dfs(ans, d, tot, N, K)
        return res

Time Complexity: O(KN * K), where K is the range of integers and N is the length of substrings
Auxiliary Space: O(KN * N)