Power BI- DAX Bitwise Functions

To generate formulas and expressions in Excel data models for Power BI, Analysis Services, and Power Pivot, Data Analysis Expressions (DAX), a group of functions and operators, can be combined. Data Analysis Expression is a feature of the Power BI toolset that enables business analysts to maximize the value of their datasets. These expressions make the process of creating reports faster and more enjoyable for the data analyst. Report designers use the approximately 200 functions and operators in the DAX library in Power BI to do calculations and data analysis.

DAX Bitwise Functions

The new Bitwise DAX function, which was released in November 2021, is the main topic of this section. Let’s practice Bitwise DAX functions on a sample Dataset.



A bitwise AND of two numbers is returned.

Syntax: BITAND(<number>, <number>)

  • Number: Any DAX expression that yields an expression with an integer value.
  • Shift_Amount: Any DAX expression that produces an expression of an integer.

Example: bit and = BITAND(2,30)



DAX Bitlshift function Returns an integer with the provided number of bits moved to the left.

Syntax: BITLSHIFT(<Number>, <Shift_Amount>)

  • Number: Any DAX expression that yields an expression with an integer value.
  • Shift_Amount: Any DAX expression that produces an expression of an integer.

Example: bit lshift = BITLSHIFT(2,45)



A bitwise OR of two numbers is returned.

Syntax: BITOR(<number>, <number>)

  • number: Any scalar expression with a numeric result. It is shortened if it is not an integer.

Example: bit or = BITOR(8,260)



A bitwise OR of two numbers is returned.

Syntax: BITRSHIFT(<Number>, <Shift_Amount>)

  • Number: Any DAX expression that yields an expression with an integer value.
  • Shift_Amount: Any DAX expression that produces an expression of an integer.

Example: bit rshift = BITRSHIFT(8,260)



A bitwise XOR of two numbers is returned.

Syntax: BITXOR(<number>, <number>)

  • number: Any scalar expression with a numeric result. It is shortened if it is not an integer.

Example: bit xor = BITXOR(2,45)


This grouping can be summarized as follows,

DAX Function



BITAND A bitwise AND of two numbers is returned. BITAND(<number>, <number>)
BITLSHIFT Returns an integer with the provided number of bits moved to the left. BITLSHIFT(<Number>, <Shift_Amount>)
BITOR A bitwise OR of two numbers is returned. BITOR(<number>, <number>)
BITRSHIFT A bitwise OR of two numbers is returned. BITRSHIFT(<Number>, <Shift_Amount>)
BITXOR A bitwise XOR of two numbers is returned. BITXOR(<number>, <number>)