Power BI – How to add Web Content to Dashboard?

A dashboard is only part of the Power BI online service and not the Power BI desktop. Hence, adding web content to a dashboard can only be done in the Power BI online service. Adding web content is a part of tile features/widgets in dashboards. Web content can help add the HTML code, into it, so that we could view the websites, in the Power BI online service itself. In this article, we will learn how to add web content to the dashboard. 

Adding Web Content to Dashboard in PowerBI

We are given a workspace name, Beginner_for_Beginner. In a dashboard name, gfg_dashboard our task is to add the web content for the home page of Beginner for Beginner.

The following are the steps: 

Step 1: Go to your workspace. Click on the dashboard in which you want to add web content. For example, gfg_dashboard.


Step 2: A dashboard is opened. Click on the Edit button. A drop-down list appears. Select +Add a tile option. 


Step 3: A new window name, Add a tile is opened, on the right side of the page. Click on the web content option. Click on the Next button. 


Step 4: A blank image is added to the dashboard, which corresponds to the space provided in the web content. Now, a new window name, Add web content tile, is opened on the right side of the dashboard window. Our next task is to add a suitable title, HTML-embedded code, and hyperlink(if required) to the image. 


Step 5: Under the Title section, we are adding a title, name, Beginner_for_Beginner web content. We can also view, that the title provided is added to the image itself, i.e. the space provided for the web content. 


Step 6: Now, we need to add an HTML-embedded code, to extract web content from some other web page. For example, added the web content of the gfg home page. One thing to remember is that we cannot add, HTML content from our local system. We can also view in the image, that the web content preview has been updated in the image. 


Step 7: If we want to set up a hyperlink, check the Set custom link option. A hyperlink means that, whenever a user clicks on the image, it leads the user to some other URL. For example, we have added the link to the home page of gfg


Step 8: At last, we have two radio buttons, which ask us, whether to open the hyperlink added, in a new tab, or in the same tab. Select, No to open the link in a new tab. Click on the Apply button. 


Step 9: Web content has successfully been added to the dashboard. 

Note: You might be confused that, how can we use, the hyperlink which we had set in the previous step. Click on the outer part of the image, like near the title, or the white space provided. Remember, hyperlink won’t work when you, click on the web content. 


Step 10: The home page of Beginner for Beginner is opened, in a new tab.