Power BI – How to Create a Treemap?

TreeMap in Power BI is the hierarchical chart, which is used to show the parent and child data distribution. TreeMap is shown by a group of rectangles, these rectangles are segregated on the basis of the category. The larger numeric values are present at the top, and lower numeric values are present at the bottom. In this article, we will learn how to create a TreeMap in Power BI using steps. 

Loading Dataset for a TreeMap in Power BI

When generating and designing a treemap, there are several options available. We’ll examine all of the possibilities. We will use a  given dataset of employees, for instance, we could wish to create a treemap with the following categories: Department, Details, Employee Name, Values, and Bonus. While building this treemap, we will investigate each possibility.


Stepwise Implementation

Step 1: Given the dataset Employee. The columns we will use for this article are Department, Employee Name, Salary, and Bonus.

Step 2: Under the Visualizations section, click on the treemap chart.


Step 3: An empty treemap will be created. This treemap does not contain any fields. Our next task is to add columns to it.


Step 4: Adding Department in the treemap. Drag and drop Department into the Category section. We can see that nothing appears now on the Treemap. In the later stage, we will see that for each category, each rectangle is made. 


Step 5: Under the values section, drag and drop the Salary column. We can see that a treemap is created, with three rectangles in it, which represents the 3 departments.


Step 6: Details section, can be used to form a child of the parent, i.e. category. Drag and drop Employee Name into the details section. Now, we can observe that, for each department, we have the names of the employees separately, showing their Salary. Here, Employee’s Name is the child, and Department is the parent.  


Step 7: Our next task, is to add Tooltips to the map. Tooltips provide additional information that we want to see, whenever we hover at a data point. In the below image, we can see that, we have hovered at the employee ihsura, and we view the previously added tooltips i.e. Department IT, Employee Name ihsura, Sum of Salary 50K. These tooltips appeared, as we have added, these measures previously.


Now, think what if we want to add a Bonus to this list… Drag and drop Bonus under Tooltips. Now, again hover at employee ihsura. We can see that a Bonus of 50K is added.