Power Center components in Informatica

Prerequisite – Introduction to Informatica

Power Center Components :

  1. Source
  2. Target
  3. Domain
  4. Repository Services
  5. Power Center Administration Console Page
  6. Power Center Repository Manager
  7. Power Center Designer

Source –
It is an object where we will read the data, in an ETL we always pull the records from the source, and then stores the records in temporary tables. On the basis of the mapping design document or the business requirement, we need to decide what we need to do with the data fetched from the source object.

Target –
It is an object where we will write the data, it is not necessary that we need to always write data into the target, we can also read the data from the same, but the target has used a convention that we write the data on the specific place after completion of the specific business requirement, It should also be noted that the source and the target need not be in the same format, the source can be RDBMS and destinations can be flat files, or any possible combinations of RDBMS, flat files, legacy or XML will work.

Domain –
It is used to maintain the metadata related to the data dictionary of the power center tool, like details about the columns or attributes data types or size and the details of the tables and other relevant information’s are stored in the domain folder.

Repository Service –
It is a service engine represented at the server-side and used to store the project related metadata (like source structure, target structure, mapping tools, mapping objects, mapplet objects, session objects, workflow objects, worklet objects, user information and many more.

Power Center Administration Console Page :
This is a web application used to perform some administrative tasks like –

  1. Support to create, modify and remove repository, integration and reporting services.
  2. Provides the functionality to enable and disable the services.
  3. Supports to create and remove users and add or remove them to groups.
  4. Supports to create and remove the folders and also share the folders with users and groups.
  5. Supports license renewal and mailing configurations.

Power Center Repository Manager –

  1. It is a client-side GUI application used to configure repository services in the client environment.
  2. All client applications have access to repository services.
  3. On the client-side, it is called “Repository” and at the server side it is called “Repository Service”
  4. We can create, remove, import and export the folders.
  5. Supports to remove and delete the objects related to the metadata.

Power Center Designer –
It is a client-side GUI application having ETL components like Source Analyzer, Target Designer, Mapping Designer, Mapplet Designer, Transformation Developer.

Source Qualifier –
Source qualifier is a transformation object which provides metadata for reading data from a specified source like a table or database. If the source is a database table then the source qualifier provides the “SELECT” statements, and the source qualifier comes with some distinct properties like user-defined join, distinct properties, PRE SQL, POST SQL and depending upon the source it tries to use, where pre SQL is used to run the SQL Command against the Source before the Integration Service begins and Post SQL is used to run the SQL Command against the Source After the Integration Service completes.

Properties of Source Qualifier :

  1. Source Filter –
    Using this property you can filter the number of source records. For example, you want to fetch only the student of class10, then you can enter the filter condition class=10 in the source filter property and execute the data.
  2. The number for Sorted Ports –
    In this, you can sort the input records based on the ports number. So when the data is passed on to the transformations inside the mapping, it will read the port number and sort the data accordingly.
  3. Select Distinct – 
    It is used to fetch only distinct records from the source database and by using this property it is used mostly when we join multiple sources or tables.

Transformation –
It is a transformation object used to perform calculations using built-in functions related to date, character, number and many more, but it won’t support aggregate functions like max, min, average, sum.

It is used to create, modifies or passes data to the designated target like a table or flat files, transformation objects are mostly used to change or alter the source data as per the business requirement or the destination system requirement.

Types of Transformations present in Informatica are –

  1. Rank Transformation
  2. Router Transformation
  3. Lookup and Re-usable transformation
  4. Performance Tuning for Transformation
  5. Expression Transformation
  6. Aggregator Transformation
  7. Normalizer Transformation
  8. Source Qualifier Transformation
  9. Sequence Generator Transformation
  10. Transaction Control Transformation