PowerGrid Interview Experience for Assistant Engineer Trainee (GATE-CS 2022)

The interview experience was excellent. That was the first interview, I had ever given. The major focus of my interview is on the Computer Network and Network Security part. I will explain my whole experience step-by-step:

Firstly, I had received a mail that I am qualified for the interview and the venue given for the interview was POWERGRID Corporate Office, Gurgaon. I have gone there in the formal dress which has a plain light cream shirt, black pants with a black-tie. They checked the interview call letter at the entry gate and they took us to the Conference Hall. Then we were told to take the psychometric assessment over the mobile phone on the link that they had forwarded. There is document verification going on there parallelly. After completion of verification, they sent a group of 6 people for the GD. They gave many topics and the group agreed on “Advent of E-Learning“. They had given 1 min for thinking, 2-3 minutes for discussion, and 2-3 minutes for writing about it.

After all this, they sent all of us for interviews one by one. Here is how my interview went:

Me: Good Afternoon, Sir!

Panel: Good Afternoon!

Panel: You wore a tie, You are looking so smart. ! (Smiling) {First Impression: Best Impression}

They are reading my resume and there I had mentioned two projects, the first was “Voice-controlled calculator” and the other was “Fake News Detection using Graph and Summarization Techniques”

Panel: Tell me about this Fake News Detection project in detail.

Me : ( Explained completely )


Panel: Do you know about parity bit? Why it is used?

Me: For detecting an error in the transmitted data.

Panel: Tell the method for error correction!!

Me: Hamming Code

Panel: Do you know about CRC? Tell me about polynomial and how it is calculated?

Me: Yes!! ( Told about that completely )


Panel: Do you know about HTML, JS, and jquery?

Me: Yes!! (Told about that, but some parts I said were incorrect)


Panel: What is the difference between view and table?

Me : (Told about that)

Panel: Do views acquire space in memory?

Me: Yes!!

(It doesn’t feel there that interview is going on, it felt like a good technical conversation is going on)


Panel: What do you think about the use of CS in POWERGRID?

Me : (said something that came to my mind)

And finally, it is over…

The result came after a very long time, and I got SELECTED