Powers and Functions of the President of India

The President of India has many powers and is the head of the state, also called the first citizen of India. He forms an important part of the Union Executive, provisions dealing with Article which includes articles that are related to the President, including Articles 52 and 62. Under the provision of these articles, information is provided on how the election of the President is done, the powers and functions, also his impeachment process is provided for. The President of India is part of the Union Executive along with the Vice-President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers, and also to the Attorney-General of India.

Table of Content

  • President of India
  • Functions of President
  • Powers of President of India
  • Is the President Limited by the Gathering of Ministers?

Powers and Functions of the President

President of India

The powers are written in the Constitution as powers held by the Office of the President.

  • He might order that the top of any leader division give him a composed assessment on any matter connecting with that office
  • He might give absolves and respites for any sentenced criminal, with the exception of reprimand
  • He might make arrangements with a 2/3 endorsement of the Senate
  • He might choose ministers, Cabinet individuals, judges, and different situations with the endorsement of the Senate
  • He might top off opportunities that happen while the Senate is on a break for the rest of that legislative term

Inferred Powers

These aren’t written in the Constitution, yet they are jobs that the Office of the President has taken on over the long run.

  1. Head of state and government
  2. Boss representative
  3. CEO

Functions of President

The important functions of the president are as follows-

Chief of State

This is an administrative task that requires the president to address, solace, and, without a doubt, he drives the country in the midst of stress, misery, or war. During FDR’s four terms, he was called upon to answer stupendous public difficulties and by uprightness of his fireside visits and different endeavors he performed incredibly well. As Chief of State, the economy and its prosperity and future possibility are generally vital.

Chief Executive

The president is liable for one of the three parts of government and as such should work with the regulative branch and follow the legal arm. Additionally, the individual in question should work with his bureau and authoritative authorities to plan and carry out significant approaches and techniques effectively. Regular CEO obligations.

Legislative Power

The president ought to have great relations with Congress and work with her party and the resistance to have bills and financial plans passed that benefit the country. In the event that he accepts any bill that doesn’t meet that objective, he might reject it and work with the lawmaking body on a trade-off that does.

Chief Diplomat

Like the Chief of State’s inside job, the president’s outer job as Chief Diplomat is to work with different countries and their chiefs on issues of significance to the United States and different nations. The president additionally, similar to any great CEO depends on his bureau, the assembly, and diplomats, among others in effectively carrying out the international strategy.


The president is a definitive chief compared with military choices. Typically, obviously, his most elevated military counsels assume a significant part however it is his obligation to both select the best and insightfully pay attention to their recommendation.

Powers of President of India

The president is the top of the Indian state. He is the main resident of India and goes about as an image of solidarity, respectability, and fortitude of the country.

Chief Powers

  • All chief moves of GOI are made in his name.
  • He delegates PM and different pastors and they hold office during his presence.
  • He chooses lawyer general(AG), CAG, CEC, and other political decision chiefs, executives, and individuals from UPSC, Governors, etc.
  • He straightforwardly oversees UTs through chairmen named by him.
  • He chooses between state boards to advance participation.
  • He can announce any region as booked region and has abilities in the organization of planned regions and ancestral regions.

Official Powers

  • He can gather the sitting of both the places of Parliament which working closely together is managed by the speaker of the Lok Sabha.
  • He chooses 12 individuals for the Rajya Sabha from among people having exceptional information or viable involvement.
  • Literature, science, craftsmanship, and social assistance.
  • He can assign 2 individuals to Lok Sabha from Anglo Indian people group.
  • he can declare Ordinance when the parliament isn’t in a meeting.
  • He lays reports of CAG, UPSC, finance commission, and others before the parliament.
  • He settles on questions as to the preclusion of MPs in counsel with the EC.
  • He has blackball abilities under Article 111(like outright denial, suspensive rejection, and pocket blackball).
  • He might give his consent to charge Withhold his consent to the bill.
  • He can call or prorogue the Parliament and can break down the Lok Sabha.

Legal Powers

  1. Selects the central equity and the adjudicators of the high court and high courts.
  2. Can look for guidance from the Supreme Court on any inquiry of regulation or reality however the counsel offered by the high court isn’t restricted to the president.
  3. He can concede pardon, reprieve, respite, remit, and drive the discipline of any individual

Discretionary powers

Worldwide deals and arrangements are arranged and closed for the president subject to the endorsement of parliament
He addresses India at worldwide gatherings and sends and gets negotiators.

Military powers

  1. He is the preeminent administrator of guard powers.
  2. He designates the heads of safeguard powers.
  3. Can announce a war or finish up harmony subject to the endorsement of parliament.

Is the President Limited by the Gathering of Ministers?

Indeed, the President will undoubtedly act as per the exhortation offered by the gathering of clergymen.

  • Through the 42nd Amendment Act ( otherwise called little constitution ), The President was made limited by the exhortation of the gathering of clergymen headed by the PM.
  • Through the 44th Amendment act, The President was engaged to restore the make a difference to the board of priests for reevaluation, however, when returned after reexamination, the President will undoubtedly acknowledge it.
  • Article 74 of the Indian constitution says that ” there will be a committee of priests with the Prime Minister as its head to help and exhortation the President who will act as per such guidance. President might require the gathering of clergymen to reevaluate the matter and should act as per the counsel offered after this reexamination.

Might the president at any point disregard the unlawful guidance of gathering of ministers?

President is the First resident of India and designated Constitutionally. He is the guard dog for the Constitution. He isn’t limited by the unlawful counsel/recommendation made by the Council of Ministers. In such a case he might like to step down.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the executive powers of the President of India?

The executive powers of the president are that they have the power to appoint and also remove high-order dignitaries of the state like the Attorney General of India, Auditor General, and so forth.

What are the functions of the President of India?

Some important functions of the President of India-

  1. President is the Supreme Commander of the defense forces of India.
  2. President appoints the Chief Justice of India, as well as judges of the Supreme Court and also of High Courts.
  3. Declaration of Peace is in the name of the President.

What are the powers and functions of the Union Parliament?

The powers and functions of Parliament include the authority for proposing and passing amendments to the constitution.