Practice Questions For Circular Seating Arrangement

A circular Arrangement is a type of Sitting Arrangement, where objects are placed around a circle either facing the center or facing the direction opposite to center. One can see the different types of questions on this topic. So it is highly advisable to practice an ample amount of questions.

Direction (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

A certain number of people sit around a circular table and face towards the center of the table. Some of them like different colors. Three people sit between P and the one who likes Grey. The one who likes Orange sits third to the left of Q. The number of people sitting between P and Q is the same as the number of people sitting between Q and R. S sits third to the right of R who doesn’t like Purple. Q sits second to the left of the one who likes Grey. Two people sit between S and the one who likes Purple. The one who likes Green sits fourth to the right of the one who likes Grey. Five people sit between T and the one who likes Black. S doesn’t sit adjacent to the one who likes Black. Three people sit between R and the one who likes Black. The one who likes Pink sits third to the right of the one who likes Green. T doesn’t sit adjacent to the one who likes Pink. U sits to the immediate left of the one who likes Black and third to the left of the one who likes Yellow. The one who likes Red sits second to the right of the one who likes Yellow. One person sits between the one who likes Green and T who is not a neighbour of S. The Same number of people sit between the one who likes Grey and V from both sides.


Three people sit between P and the one who likes Grey. 
Here, we have two possible cases i.e. Case 1 and Case 2:


Q sits second to the left of the one who likes Grey. 
The one who likes Orange sits third to the left of Q. 
The number of people sitting between P and Q is the same as the number of people sitting between Q and R.


S sits third to the right of R who doesn’t like Purple. 
Two people sit between S and the one who likes Purple. 
The one who likes Green sits fourth to the right of the one who likes Grey. 
One person sits between the one who likes Green and T who is not a neighbor of S. 
Here, we have one more possible case i.e. Case 2a:


Five people sit between T and the one who likes Black. 
S doesn’t sit adjacent to the one who likes Black. 
Three people sit between R and the one who likes Black. Here, Case 1 gets eliminated. 
The one who likes Pink sits third to the right of the one who likes Green. 
T doesn’t sit adjacent to the one who likes Pink. Here, Case 2a gets eliminated.

Case 1.


U sits to the immediate left of the one who likes Black and third to the left of the one who likes Yellow. 
The one who likes Red sits second to the right of the one who likes Yellow. 
The same number of people sit between the one who likes Grey and V from both sides.
Here, we have the final arrangement:

Case 2.


Que 1. How many people sit around the circular table?
a) Twenty-two
b) Eighteen
c) Twenty
d) Twenty-one
e) None of these

Answer:  Option (c)

Que 2. Who amongst the following likes Yellow?
a) R
b) V
c) U
d) S
e) None of these

Answer: Option (b)

Que 3. Who amongst the following sits eighth to the right of the one who likes Red?
a) T
b) The one who likes Pink
c) The one who likes Grey
d) Q
e) None of these

Answer: Option (c)

Que 4. How many people sit between U and the one who likes Orange when counted from the right of U?
a) Six
b) Eight
c) Five
d) Seven
e) None of these

Answer:  Option (d)

Que 5. Which amongst the following pair is incorrect?
a) T – Red
b) Q – Purple
c) P – Green
d) U – Pink
e) All are correct 

Answer:  Option (a)


Direction (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Eight persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are sitting around a circular table, but not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing inside while the rest of them are facing outside. Each of them likes different engineering branches viz. Agriculture, Metallurgical, Automobile, Electrical, Marine, Petroleum, IT, and Aeronautics. F does not sit immediately next to A. Only two persons sit between G and H. Immediate left of A likes Metallurgical, who faces opposite to center. F and E are facing the same side and only two persons are sitting between them. The one who likes Petroleum sits immediately next to the one who likes IT but does not face the one who likes automobiles. E sits second to the left of A. The one who likes Marine faces the one who likes Aeronautics. D sits diagonally opposite B who sits to the immediate right of E and both E and B are facing the same direction. G is facing the same direction as E. The one who likes automobiles sits between F and B. F does not like Agriculture. A and C are facing outward direction but not as F. C sits second to the left of G. The one who likes Aeronautics sits second to the right of the one who likes automobiles. D is facing the same direction as F. G does not like automobiles. 


Immediate left of A likes Metallurgical, who faces opposite the center. 
E sits second to the left of A. F and E are facing the same side and only two persons are sitting between them. 
F does not sit immediately next to A. A and C are facing an outward direction but not as F.
So, the diagram:


D sits diagonally opposite to B who sits to the immediate right of E and both E and B are facing the same direction. 
The one who likes Automobile sits between F and B. D is facing the same direction as F. Hence, E, D, and F face the centre.


Only two persons sit between G and H. 
C sits second to the left of G. 
A and C are facing an outward direction but not F. G doesn’t like automobiles then one can say that C is the one who likes automobiles. Hence, G faces the centre. 
The one who likes Aeronautics sits second to the right of the one who likes Automobiles. 
The one who likes Marine faces the one who likes Aeronautics.


The one who likes Petroleum sits immediately next to the one who likes IT but does not face the one who likes automobiles. 
The one who likes Agriculture does not sit immediately next to F. So, the final arrangement:


Que 6. Who among the following likes Electrical?
a) C
b) B
c) A
d) H
e) F

Answer: Option (e)

Que 7. Who among the following sits between A and G?
a) E
b) D
c) C
d) H
e) F

Answer: Option (b)

Que 8. Which of the following is not true regarding the given arrangement?
a) A sits immediately next to H.
b) G and C face the same direction.
c) D faces the person who likes Agriculture.
d) E and G sit opposite to each other
e) All of the above

Answer:  Option (b)

Que 9. Who among the following person faces the one who sits third to the left of D?
a) A
b) D
c) E
d) G
e) Can’t be determined

Answer:  Option (a)

Que 10. Four of the following are alike in a certain way and form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
a) F
b) D
c) H
d) E
e) B

Answer: Option (c)