Practice Questions on Delhi Sultanate Period

This chapter typically contains 4 to 5 questions in most government sector exams. The practise questions will greatly aid your understanding of the subject. The questions cover every dynasty from the Slave through the Lodhi. The major questions ask from these exam in SSC are based on the reforms, name of lands, officers of several department under central and provinces, books written during sultanate period and many other important facts.

Q1: Who among the following is known as Lakh Baksh in the Delhi sultanate?

A. Qutbuddin Aibak

B. Iltutmish

C. Alauddin Khalji

D. Ghiyasuddin Balban

Answer: A


Muhammad Ghori made Qutbuddin Aibak (1206-1210) the Governor of his Indian holdings. Following Ghori’s death in 1206, Aibak declares independence and establishes the Slave Dynasty. Aibak is known as Aibak Lakh Baksh, or “lakh donor,” because of his enormous gifts. Hasan Nizami, a prominent scholar, was his choice.

Q2: Which among the following is not a category of land during the sultanate period?

A. Iqta

B. Khalisa

C. Inam

D. Mansab

Answer: D


Three groups of lands were identified: Officials are given iqta land instead of being paid for their work. Land under direct Sultan authority, with earnings used to maintain the royal court and household. Religious leaders are given or assigned inam land.

Q3: Ushr, a type of tax, was levied on whom during the sultanate period?

A. Hindu

B. Muslim

C. Zamindars

D. lower caste

Answer: B


Muhammad bin Tughlaq founded Diwan-e-Kohi as a separate agricultural department. The Sultanate has two types of land taxes: ushr (sand tax on Muslim properties) and Kharaj (both Hindu and Muslim holdings).

Q4: During which, Sultan time was Ragadarpan, an Indian classical composition, translated into Persian?

A. Qutbuddin Aibak

B. Firuz Tughlaq

C. Alauddin Khalji

D. Ghiyasuddin Balban

Answer: B


During Firuz Tughlaq’s reign, the Indian classical masterpiece Ragadarpan was translated into Persian. Pir Budhan, a Sufi saint, was a brilliant musician during this time.

Q5: What were the provinces called during the sultanate period?

A. Hizr

B. Iqtas

C. Muqaddam

D. Inam

Answer: B


Iqtas, or noble-controlled provinces, existed throughout the Delhi Sultanate. Muqtis or walis were the governors of provinces who were in charge of peace and order as well as collecting land income.

Q6: Which of the following department headed by Ariz-i-Mumalik during the Delhi sultanate period?

A. Revenue

B. Land

C. Military

D. Justice

Answer: C


The military department Diwani Ariz, directed by Ariz-i-mumalik, was in charge of recruiting soldiers and running the military department. Balban established the military department, which was later improved by Alauddin Khalji [dagh system, big army).

Q7: The Diwani Rasalat headed by Sadr was related to which department?

A. Religious affairs

B. Military affairs

C. Political matters

D. Revenue affairs

Answer: A


Diwani Rasalat was a religious affairs department led by chief Sadr. It gave finances for mosques, tombs, and madrasas to be built and maintained.

Q8: Which among the following was the most powerful post during the sultanate period?

A. Naib

B. Wazir

C. Ariz

D. Sadr

Answer: A


During the Delhi Sultanate, the post of Naib had the highest influence. He had full Sultanial authority and was in charge of all departments. Wazir, the chief of the Diwani Wizarat, was next to Naib.

Q9: Ibrahim Lodi fought with whom in the first battle of Panipat?

A. Babur

B. Balban

C. Maharana Pratap

D. Akbar

Answer: A


The ruler of Punjab, Daulat Khan Lodi, was enraged by Ibrahim’s arrogance and asked Babur to invade India. In the first battle of Panipat, Babur marched against Delhi and defeated and killed Ibrahim Lodi (1526). Diwani Wizarat is an artment.

Q10: He was the governor of Multan and founded Sayyid Dynasty?

A. Muhammad Shah

B. Bahram Shah

C. Khizr Khan

D. Alam Shah

Answer: C


Timur appointed Khizr Khan as governor of Multan prior to his departure from India. He conquered Delhi in 1414 and created the Sayyid dynasty. He attempted but failed, to unite the Delhi Sultanate. Mubarak Shah, his son, succeeded him after his death in 1421.

Q11: Diwan-i-kohi was related to which department during the Delhi sultanate period?

A. Land 

B. Revenue

C. Agriculture

D. Justice

Answer: C


Muhammad Bin Tughlaq launched a separate department for agriculture, Diwan-i-Kohi.

Q12: Who among the following Sultan constructed the famous Alai Darwaza?

A. Ziauddin Barani

B. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

C. Alauddin Khalji

D. Ghiyasuddin Balban

Answer: C


Despite being uneducated, Alauddin Khalji supported poets such as Amir Khusrau and Amir Hasan. He created a new capital at Siri and built the Alai Darwaza, a well-known entrance.

Q13: Who among the following Sultan introduced Dagh and Huliya system?

A. Qutbuddin Aibak

B. Bahram Shah

C. Alauddin Khalji

D. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

Answer: C


Alauddin Khalji had a big standing army that he paid in cash. Price controls resulted from the payment of salaries in cash. He taught huliya and introduced dagh (horse branding) (descriptive list of soldiers).

Q14: Among the following, which Sultan founded the Khalji dynasty?

A. Qutbuddin

B. Jalaluddin Khalji

C. Alauddin Khalji

D. Ghazi Malik 

Answer: B


The advent of the Khalji dynasty marked the zenith of Muslim imperialism in India. The founder of the Khalji dynasty was Jalaluddin Khalji. 

Q15: Who among the following sultan is famous for his large standing permanent army?

A. Balban

B. Iltutmish

C. Alauddin Khalji

D. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

Answer: C


Alauddin Khalji had a huge permanent standing army, which he paid in cash. Salary payments in cash resulted in price controls. He introduced dagh (horse branding) and prepared huliya (descriptive list of soldiers).

Q16: Who introduced the Nowruz festival celebration in his regime?

A. Mahmud Shah

B. Aibak

C. Alauddin Khalji

D. Ghiyasuddin Balban

Answer: D


To impress the nobles and people with his wealth and power, Balban invented the Persian celebration of Nowruz. He appointed spies to keep an eye on aristocrats’ activities.

Q17: Who was known as Ulugh Khan?

A. Qutbuddin Aibak

B. Bahlul Lodi

C. Alauddin Khalji

D. Ghiyasuddin Balban

Answer: D


Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud appointed Ghiyasuddin Balban or Ulugh Khan as Naib (regent). He reinforced his position by marrying the Sultan’s daughter. Nasiruddin Mahmud died in 1266 with no heirs, and Balban took his place.

Q18: Who was ruling the Delhi sultanate when Chengiz khan invaded central Asia?

A. Jalaluddin Khalji

B. Iltutmish

C. Alauddin Khalji

D. Aibak

Answer: B


Temujin, also known as Chengiz Khan, a Mongol leader, invaded Central Asia during the reign of Iltutmish. He vanquished Jalaluddin Mangabarni, the ruler of Kwarizam, who had fled to Iltutmish and crossed the Indus to seek refuge. To safeguard his dominion from the Mongol invasion, Iltutmish refused to take refuge.

Q19: Who among the following sultan shifted his capital from Lahore to Delhi?

A. Qutbuddin Aibak

B. Iltutmish

C. Alauddin Khalji

D. Ghiyasuddin Balban

Answer: B


Iltutmish was a member of the Ilbari tribe, and the Ilbari dynasty was named after him. Iltutmish fought Aram Baksh and became Sultan in 1211. From Lahore to Delhi, he relocated his capital.

Q20: After the name of which Sufi saint, the construction of Qutub Minar starts?

A. Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar

B. Nizamuddin Auliya

C. Khwaja Muniuddin Chishti

D. Khwaja Ahmad Abbas

Answer: A


Qutub Minar was built by Aibak in honour of a Sufi saint named Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar. Iltutmish finished the project afterwards.