Practice Set For Alphabetical Series

Directions (1-3): In each of the following letter series, some of the letters are missing which are given in that order as one of the alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative.

Q1. g b _ b b c _ c _ g b _ g b _ b
(a) ccggc
(b) cbgbc
(c) cgcgc
(d) bccgb

Sol. Ans.(c)
The pattern of the series is as follows
gbc / b / bcg /c / cgb / g / gbc / b.

Q2. _ c _ b _ c b c c _ b c b _ c b b 
(a) cccbb
(b) cbcbb
(c) bcbcb
(d) bcbbc

Sol. Ans.(d)
The series is bcc/bbc/bcc/bbc/bcc/bb.

Thus, the pattern bcc/bbc is repeated.

Q3. c _ d e e _ e c e _ c e c e d _ e c e c _ d c e
(a) ecdee
(b) ddcee
(c) dcced
(d) cdeec

Sol. Ans.(a)
The series is ced/ee/ceced/ceced/ee/ceced/ce.

Thus, the pattern ‘ceced/ceced/ee’ is repeated.

Q4. Find the term which does not fit into the series:
1FG, 5JF, 9NE, 15RD, 17VC
(b) 17VC
(c) 9NE
(d) 5JF

Sol. Ans. (a)
The pattern of the series is as follows,

Hence, ‘13RD’ does not fit into the series.

Directions (5-15): In each of the following questions, a letter-number series is given with one or more terms missing as shown by (?). Choose the missing term out of the given alternatives.

Q5. KM5, NP8, QS14, TV26, ?
(a) VY48
(b) WY50
(c) WY30
(d) VY18

Sol. Ans. (b)
The pattern of the series is as follows,

Hence, ‘WY50’ will be the missing term.

Q6. MZY3, NWW5, OTT7, PQP11, ?
(a) QNL16
(b) NQK17
(c) QNK17
(d) VNU19

Sol. Ans. (C)
The pattern of the series is as follows,

Hence, ‘QNK17’ will be the missing term.

Q7. vH0, zL00, dQ000, hW0000, lD00000, ?
(a) EJ000
(b) FM0000
(c) pL000000
(d) FL00000

Sol. Ans. (c)
The pattern of the series is as follows,

Hence, ‘pL000000’will be the missing term.

Q8. ZmP, WnQ, SoR, PpS, LqT, IrU, EsV, ?
(a) BtW
(b) Dwt
(c) FmU
(d) BuX

Sol. Ans. (a)

The pattern of the series is as follows,

Hence, ‘BtW’will be the missing term.

Q9. mqu,   vaf,   gms,   tah,   ?
(a) iyq
(b) iqy
(c) yqi
(d) qyi

Sol. Ans. (b)
The pattern of the series is as follows,

Hence, ‘iqy’ will be the missing term.

Q10. P, ?, J, ?, D, ?, X, ?, R
(a) M, A, G, U
(b) M, G, A, U
(c) M, Y, A, U
(d) M, U, Y, A

Sol. Ans. (b)
The pattern of the series is as follows,


Q11. G, H, N, I, J, O, K, L, P, ?, ?, ?, 
(a) O, P, I
(b) Q, M, J
(c) M, N, Q
(d) J, K, L

Sol. Ans. (c)
The pattern of the series is as follows,
The given series may be divided into 2 groups:
I. G, H, I, J, K, L, ?, ? 
and II. N, O, P, ?
Clearly, the given series consists of two terms of I followed by one term of II.
The missing terms in I are M and N while the missing term in II is Q.

(a) DSEN
(b) NDNE
(c) DNES
(d) ENED

Sol. Ans. (b)
The pattern of the series is as follows,
One letter from the beginning and one from the end of a term are removed, one by one, in alternate steps.


Q13. Z, S, C, O, F, K, I, G, ?, ?
(a) L, C
(b) L, D
(c) O, L
(d) O, D

Sol. Ans. (a)
The pattern of the series is as follows,


Q14. Aa, Cc, Gg, Oo, ?, ?
(a) Ll, Pp
(b) Mm, Oo
(c) Uu, Aa
(d) Ee, Kk

Sol. Ans. ( c)
The pattern of the series is as follows,


Q15. PC3, SH8, VM13, YR18, ?
(a) UW23
(b) CW23
(c) UX33
(d) TV33

Sol. Ans. ( b)
The pattern of the series is as follows,


Directions (16-20); A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

Q16.hPq , jRs, lTu, nVw, ?
(a) uXv
(b) tWm
(c) pXa
(d) Xup

Sol. Ans (c)
The pattern of the series is as follows,

Hence, ‘pXa’ will is the missing term.

Q17.DAZ, FDX, HGV, ?
(a) FGT
(b) JJT
(c) TJT
(d) GJT

Sol. Ans (b)
The pattern of the series is as follows,

Hence, ‘JJT’ will be the missing term.

Q18.S, P, N, K, I,  ?
(a) F
(b) G
(c) D
(d) E

Sol. Ans. (a)
The pattern of the series is as follows,


Q19.M3Cl, O5Fq, Q8Iv, S12La, ?
(a) F17OU
(b) U17Of
(c) 1U7Of
(d) UOf17

Sol. Ans. (b)
The pattern of the series is as follows,

Hence, ‘U17OF’ will is the missing term.

Q20.Mg8KP, Mg16KQ, Og32kR, Pg64KS, ?
(a) g11R8T
(b) Q128gT
(c) Qg128T
(d) Rg118T

Sol. Ans. (c)
The pattern of the series is as follows,

Hence, ‘Qg128T’ will is the missing term.