Practice Set For Calendar Reasoning

1. If Friday is today, then the day after 363 days is?
A) Monday
B) Saturday
C) Thursday
D) None of these

The answer is: C
Today is Friday.
Each day gets repeated after seven days.
so, on dividing 363 by 7, we get remainder=6
numbers days
1 Saturday
2 Sunday
3 Monday
4 Tuesday
5 Wednesday
6 Thursday
The answer is Thursday.
Hence, C is the correct answer.

2- In a leap year, if January 1 falls on Tuesday, then how many months, including January, will start on Tuesday?
A) 5
B) 4
C) 3
D) 2

Answer: C

January(31 days) 1st of January= Tuesday
Feb(29 Days) 31 days after, 1st February=31/7=3 = Friday
March is of 31 days 29 days after, 1st March = 29/7 = 1 = Saturday
April(30 days) After 31 days, 1st April=31/7=3=Tuesday
May(31 days) After 30 days, 1st May=30/7=2=Thursday
June(30 days) After 31 days, 1st June=31/7=3=Sunday
July(31 days) After 30 days, 1st July=30/7=2=Tuesday
August(31 days) After 31 days, 1st August=31/7=3=Friday
September(30 days) After 31 days, 1st September=31/7=3=Monday
Oct(31 days) After 30 days, 1st October=30/7=2=Wed
November(30 days) After 31 days, 1st November=31/7=3=Saturday
December(31 days) After 30 days, 1st December=30/7=2=Monday
Hence, C is the correct answer.

3- If the first day was Friday, when would it be Sunday?
A) today
B) two days after today
C) tomorrow
D) the day after tomorrow

Answer: D
today Friday
tomorrow Saturday
the day after tomorrow will be Sunday
So, the required answer = D

4- If the day after March 11 is Thursday, what will be the last day of the month?
A) Thursday
B) Wednesday
C) Friday
D) Monday

Answer: D
The day after March 11 is Thursday means March 12 is Thursday.
March has 31 days.
so, (31-12)/7=19/7=5
1 Thursday
2 Friday
3 Saturday
4 Sunday
5(last day of the month) Monday
So, D is the correct answer.

5. If Sunday falls on the day before yesterday, what day will it be the day after tomorrow?
A) Saturday
B) Thursday
C) Wednesday
D) Tuesday

Answer: B
Sunday(the day before yesterday)
Thursday(the day after tomorrow)
So, B is the correct answer.

6- The calendar of the year 2021 will be similar to ________?
A) 2036
B) 2025
C) 2027
D) 2028

Answer: C
2021 is the same as leap +1 =6.
So, 2021 will be the same as 2027
So, C is the correct answer.

7- If today is Sunday, then the day before yesterday will be-
A) Tuesday
B) Wednesday
C) Thursday
D) Friday

event days
the day before yesterday, Friday
Yesterday Saturday
today Sunday
So, D is the correct answer.

8- India’s Republic Day was celebrated on Thursday in 2017. On which day was it celebrated in 2021?
A) Saturday
B) Sunday
C) Tuesday
D) Friday

Every year Republic Day of India is celebrated on January 26.
therefore, 26.01.2017 is Thursday
number of days between 26.01.2017 to 26.01.2021 ( both dates inclusive )
= 1463
1463 is perfectly divisible by 7.
so, on January 26, 2021 = Tuesday
So, the required answer is C.

9- If the fourth day of a month is Wednesday, which day will come on the third day after the 19th day of the same month?
A) Monday
B) Friday
C) Sunday
D) Wednesday

Answer: C
the fourth day of the month is Wednesday
so, the first day of the month = Sunday
the third day after the 19th day of the month = the 22nd day of the month
now, 22/7=1=remainder
the third day after the 19th day = Sunday
So, C is the required option.

10- What will be the day of the week on November 13, 2021 if October 25, 2021 is Monday?
A) Tuesday
B) Saturday
C) Thursday
D) Friday

Answer: B
Today October 25, 2021, is Monday.
October month is of 31 days.
number of days between October 25 2021 and November 13, 2021(both dates inclusive) =20
now, 20/7=6 = remainder
so, Saturday will be November 13, 2021.
So, B will be the answer.

11- If today is Monday, which day will fall two days after tomorrow?
A) Monday
B) Sunday
C) Thursday
D) Tuesday

Answer: C
Today Monday
Tomorrow Tuesday
two days after tomorrow, Thursday
So, C is the correct answer.

12- If March 13, 2018 was Tuesday, what was the day on March 13, 2021?
A) Saturday
B) Sunday
C) Thursday
D) Tuesday

Answer: A
Number of days between March 13 2018  and March 13 2021 =1096
1 Wednesday
2 Thursday
3 Friday
4 Saturday
So, A is the correct answer.

13- If there are five Mondays in January, what can be the first day of the month?
a) Saturday
b) Thursday
c) Friday
d) Sunday

Answer: A
January has 31 days. The first could be a Saturday. Then the Monday dates would be 3, 10, 17, 24, & 31.
So, A is the correct answer.

14- Which of the following month in a leap year has only one calendar?
A) January – October
B) January – July
C) March- July
D) January – April

Count the number of odd days from the month January onwards to get the sum equal to 0 odd day.
January= 3 odd days,
February= 1 odd day,
March= 3 odd days. 
So, total number of odd days = 3 + 1 + 3 
= 7 days= 0 odd day.
So, the required months = January and April
So, D is the correct answer.

15- Which is not a leap year?
a) 1972
b) 2021
c) 1912
d) 2012

Answer: B
Except 2021, all are perfectly divisible by 4. So, 2021 is not a leap year.
So, B is the correct answer.

16- If today is Saturday, then what day will it be after 48 days?
a) Saturday
b) Sunday
c) Friday
d) Thursday

Answer: C
Today is Saturday.
1 Saturday
2 Sunday
3 Monday
4 Tuesday
5 Wednesday
6 Thursday
7(after 48 days) Friday

So, C is the correct answer.

17- How many leap years will be there in 800 years?
a) 194
b) 196
c) 197
d) 198

Answer: A
In 100 years, leap year =24years.
Therefore, in 800 years, leap years will be =8×24=192
Now, since leap year occurs once after every four years, it means the 400th year and 800th also leap years.
So, the total number of leap years in 800 years=192+2=194
So, A is the correct answer.

18- Ashok was born on July 16. Raman was born five days before that. If Independence Day falls on a Tuesday in that year, then on which day was Raman born?
a) Friday
b) Monday
c) Tuesday
d) Wednesday

Answer: C
Ashok was born on July 16. Raman was born five days before that.
so, Raman was born on July 11.
Independence Day(August 15) falls on a Tuesday that year.
number of days between July 11 to August 15 (both dates inclusive)=21+15=36
so, Raman was born on Tuesday.
So, C is the correct answer.

19- The last day of a century will not be –
a) Tuesday
b) Saturday
c) Thursday
d) all of the above

100 years contain 5 odd days. (so, the last day of the 1st century is Friday.)
200 years contain (5 x 2) = 3 odd days. (so, the Last Day of the 2nd century is Wednesday.)
300 years contain (5 x 3) = 15 = 1 odd day(so, Last day of 3rd century is Monday.)
Four hundred years contain 0 odd days. (Last day of the 4th century is Sunday.)
This cycle is repeated.
Therefore, the Last Day of a century cannot be Tuesday or Thursday, or Saturday.
So, D is the correct answer.

20- If Atul was born on February 29 2020, then after how many years will his next birthday be celebrated?
a) every year
b) 2 years
c) 8 years
d) 4 years

Atul was born on February 29 2020. 
In a leap year, February has 29 days, and it comes every four years.
So, D is the correct answer.