PRAM or Parallel Random Access Machines

Parallel Random Access Machine, also called PRAM is a model considered for most of the parallel algorithms. It helps to write a precursor parallel algorithm without any architecture constraints and also allows parallel-algorithm designers to treat processing power as unlimited. It ignores the complexity of inter-process communication. PRAM algorithms are mostly theoretical but can be used as a basis for developing an efficient parallel algorithm for practical machines and can also motivate building specialized machines. 

PRAM Architecture Model

The following are the modules of which a PRAM consists of: 

  1. It consists of a control unit, global memory, and an unbounded set of similar processors, each with its own private memory.
  2. An active processor reads from global memory, performs required computation, and then writes to global memory.
  3. Therefore, if there are N processors in a PRAM, then N number of independent operations can be performed in a particular unit of time.

Parallel Random Access Machines

Models of PRAM

While accessing the shared memory, there can be conflicts while performing the read and write operation (i.e.), a processor can access a memory block that is already being accessed by another processor. Therefore, there are various constraints on a PRAM model which handles the read or write conflicts. They are: 

  • EREW: also called Exclusive Read Exclusive Write is a constraint that doesn’t allow two processors to read or write from the same memory location at the same instance.
  • CREW: also called Concurrent Read Exclusive Write is a constraint that allows all the processors to read from the same memory location but are not allowed to write into the same memory location at the same time.
  • ERCW: also called Exclusive Read Concurrent Write is a constraint that allows all the processors to write to the same memory location but are now allowed to read the same memory location at the same time.
  • CRCW: also called Concurrent Read Concurrent Write is a constraint that allows all the processors to read from and write to the same memory location parallelly.

Example: Suppose we wish to add an array consisting of N numbers. We generally iterate through the array and use N steps to find the sum of the array. So, if the size of the array is N and for each step, let’s assume the time taken to be 1 second. Therefore, it takes N seconds to complete the iteration. The same operation can be performed more efficiently using a CRCW model of a PRAM. Let there be N/2 parallel processors for an array of size N, then the time taken for the execution is 4 which is less than N = 6 seconds in the following illustration.