Precious Infosystem Pvt. Ltd. Interview Experience for Software Engineer Trainee

The first Round is an HR Round:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Tell me about your family
  • State and props difference
  • How to fetch data in reactjs
  • Lifecycle methods in reactjs

Technical Round:

  • Write a code with a class-based component that accesses props and displays a name with props
  • Class and functional component diff
  • Async await
  • What is typescript
  • Diff between typescript and javascript.
  • Tell me about ur projects and what is ur role in this
  • JWT token
  • Flex and grid in CSS
  • Useeffect and usReducer differnce
  • Spread, rest operator
  • destructuring
  • Redux
  • Test Cases(jest)
  • Material UI
  • React Native navigation liberty
  • What is nodejs

In final HR round

  • Hr explains program details.