Precision Time Protocol (PTP)

Prerequisite – Protocols in Application Layer 

Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is a protocol that promotes the synchronization of clocks throughout a computer network. This protocol is used to synchronize clocks of different types of devices.  PTP was led by John Edison in 1588 for the standardization and was published in the year 2002. This is required in achieving the exchange of messages across the communication medium in a synchronous medium. 

Features of PTP :
Some of the features of PTP are –

  • It has an alternate time-scale functionality.
  • It uses a Grand Master clock to synchronize the communication.
  • It works on master-slave architecture.
  • It makes the path of communication traceable.

Working of PTP :
PTP is a protocol that works for seamless communication between different devices. It uses a master-slave system of time resources and provides synchronization. This system consists of one or more communication devices and a single network connection provided by a grandmaster device. This grandmaster is responsible for the root timing reference. The grandmaster transmits synchronized information to the devices residing in the communication medium. This scheme of arrangement provides accurate distribution by compensating for the delivery variability across the network. 

The Architecture of Precision Time Protocol :

Applications of PTP :

  • Used in various IT applications for effective communication between devices.
  • It provides Generic time-stamping applications and is used in the synchronization of computers, etc.
  • It is implemented with hardware and software to make huge applications.
  • It is used in routers and switches.
  • It is used in various microprocessors, NIC cards, and protocol stacks.
  • It is used in RF Instrumentation, Aircraft Monitoring Instruments, and GPS linked Clocks.

Advantages of PTP :

  • It provides accurate time stamping.
  • It is a well-known clock synchronization protocol.
  • It provides intensified security inside the premises.
  • Provides the possibility of setting coordinated actions which are synchronized communication.

Disadvantages of PTP : 

  • If the master clock fails, the whole communication will stop.
  • Manipulation is possible in synchronization.
  • The selection of a new master is uncertain as it will prolong the time of uncertainty.