Prefix to Postfix Converter Online

Prefix to Postfix Calculator is a free online tool to calculate the postfix of a prefix notation. In this converter user has to put the prefix notation in the input box and postfix notation will be displayed as a result.

Prefix Expression:

An expression is called the prefix expression if the operator appears in the expression before the operands. Simply of the form (operator operand1 operand2). 
Example : *+AB-CD

Postfix Expression:

An expression is called the postfix expression if the operator appears in the expression after the operands. Simply of the form (operand1 operand2 operator). 
Example : AB+CD-*

Prefix to Postfix Conversion:

To convert a prefix to a postfix expression, we will use a stack to hold the operands. Whenever an operator is found, we pop two operands from the stack and push a new operand. The final element at the top of the stack will be our postfix expression.

Prefix to Postfix Examples:

Example: Convert Prefix Notation : *+AB-CD into postfix notation.

Steps of conversion :

We will travel from right to left and put operands in stack and when we find any operator take two operands from top and do the operation and put result on the stack in the end whatever expression is on the top of stack will be our result.

  1. *+AB-CD
  2. *+AB(CD-)
  3. *(AB+)(CD-)
  4. (AB+)(CD-)*
  5. AB+CD-*

Postfix Notation : AB+CD-*

Example : Convert prefix Notation *-A/BC-/AKL into postfix notation

Steps of Conversion:

  1. *-A/BC-(AK/)L
  2. *-A/BC((AK/)L-)
  3. *-A(BC/)((AK/)L-)
  4. *(A(BC/)-)((AK/)L-)
  5. (A(BC/)-)((AK/)L-)*
  6. ABC/-AK/L-*

Postfix Notation : ABC/-AK/L-*

FAQs on Prefix to Postfix Notations:

Here are some frequently asked questions related to prefix to postfix conversion.

1. What is the difference between prefix and postfix evaluation? 

Prefix evaluation involves evaluating a prefix expression from right to left, while postfix evaluation involves evaluating a postfix expression from left to right.

2. What is Reverse Polish Notation? 

Reverse Polish Notation is another name for postfix expression.

3. What are the advantages of the stack-based approach to prefix to postfix conversion? 

The stack-based approach for the prefix to postfix is simple, efficient, and easy to implement. It can handle any expression and does not require any additional data structures.

4. How do you convert infix to prefix and postfix?

Read Infix to prefix conversion and infix to postfix conversion article for more detail.