Print all strings from given array that can be typed using keys from a single row of a QWERTY keyboard

Given an array of strings arr[], consisting of strings made up of lowercase and uppercase letters, the task is to print all the strings from the given array that can be typed using keys from a single row of a QWERTY keyboard.


Input: arr[] = {“Yeti”, “Had”, “GFG”, “comment”}
Output: Yeti Had GFG
“Yeti” can be typed from the 1st row.
“Had” can be typed from the 2nd row.
“GFG” can be typed from the 2nd row.
Therefore, the required output is Yeti Had GFG.

Input: arr[] = {“Beginner”, “for”, “Beginner”, “Pro”}
Output: Pro

Approach: The problem can be solved using Hashing. The idea is to traverse the array and for each string, check if all the characters of the string can be typed using the keys of the same row or not. Print the strings for which it is found to be true. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • Initialize a Map, say mp, to store for each character, the row number in the keyboard in which the key for that character is present.
  • Traverse the array and for each string, check if all the characters of the string have the same row number assigned to it in the Map or not. If found to be true, then print the string.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to print all strings that
// can be typed using keys of a single
// row in a QWERTY Keyboard
void findWordsSameRow(vector<string>& arr)
    // Stores row number of all possible
    // character of the strings
    unordered_map<char, int> mp{
        { 'q', 1 }, { 'w', 1 }, { 'e', 1 }, { 'r', 1 },
        { 't', 1 }, { 'y', 1 }, { 'u', 1 }, { 'o', 1 },
        { 'p', 1 }, { 'i', 1 }, { 'a', 2 }, { 's', 2 },
        { 'd', 2 }, { 'f', 2 }, { 'g', 2 }, { 'h', 2 },
        { 'j', 2 }, { 'k', 2 }, { 'l', 2 }, { 'z', 3 },
        { 'x', 3 }, { 'c', 3 }, { 'v', 3 }, { 'b', 3 },
        { 'n', 3 }, { 'm', 3 }
    // Traverse the array
    for (auto word : arr) {
        // If current string is
        // not an empty string
        if (!word.empty()) {
            // Sets true / false if a string
            // can be typed using keys of a
            // single row or not
            bool flag = true;
            // Stores row number of the first
            // character of current string
            int rowNum
                = mp[tolower(word[0])];
            // Stores length of word
            int M = word.length();
            // Traverse current string
            for (int i = 1; i < M; i++) {
                // If current character can't be
                // typed using keys of rowNum only
                if (mp[tolower(word[i])]
                    != rowNum) {
                    // Update flag
                    flag = false;
            // If current string can be typed
            // using keys from rowNum only
            if (flag) {
                // Print the string
                cout << word << " ";
// Driver Code
int main()
    vector<string> words
        = { "Yeti", "Had",
            "GFG", "comment" };


// Java program to implement
// the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to print all strings that
// can be typed using keys of a single
// row in a QWERTY Keyboard
static void findWordsSameRow(List<String> arr)
    // Stores row number of all possible
    // character of the strings
        Integer> mp = new HashMap<Character,
    mp.put('q', 1);
    mp.put('w', 1);
    mp.put('e', 1);
    mp.put('r', 1);
    mp.put('t', 1);
    mp.put('y', 1);
    mp.put('u', 1);
    mp.put('i', 1);
    mp.put('o', 1);
    mp.put('p', 1);
    mp.put('a', 2);
    mp.put('s', 2);
    mp.put('d', 2);
    mp.put('f', 2);
    mp.put('g', 2);
    mp.put('h', 2);
    mp.put('j', 2);
    mp.put('k', 2);
    mp.put('l', 2);
    mp.put('z', 3);
    mp.put('x', 3);
    mp.put('c', 3);
    mp.put('v', 3);
    mp.put('b', 3);
    mp.put('n', 3);
    mp.put('m', 3);
    // Traverse the array
    for(String word : arr)
        // If current string is
        // not an empty string
        if (word.length() != 0)
            // Sets true / false if a string
            // can be typed using keys of a
            // single row or not
            boolean flag = true;
            // Stores row number of the first
            // character of current string
            int rowNum = mp.get(
            // Stores length of word
            int M = word.length();
            // Traverse current string
            for(int i = 1; i < M; i++)
                // If current character can't be
                // typed using keys of rowNum only
                if (mp.get(Character.toLowerCase(
                        word.charAt(i))) != rowNum)
                    // Update flag
                    flag = false;
            // If current string can be typed
            // using keys from rowNum only
            if (flag)
                // Print the string
                System.out.print(word + " ");
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    List<String> words = Arrays.asList(
        "Yeti", "Had", "GFG", "comment" );
// This code is contributed by jithin


# Python3 program to implement
# the above approach
# Function to print all strings that
# can be typed using keys of a single
# row in a QWERTY Keyboard
def findWordsSameRow(arr):
    # Stores row number of all possible
    # character of the strings
    mp = { 'q' : 1, 'w' : 1, 'e' : 1, 'r' : 1,
           't' : 1, 'y' : 1, 'u' : 1, 'o' : 1,
           'p' : 1, 'i' : 1, 'a' : 2, 's' : 2,
           'd' : 2, 'f' : 2, 'g' : 2, 'h' : 2,
           'j' : 2, 'k' : 2, 'l' : 2, 'z' : 3,
           'x' : 3, 'c' : 3, 'v' : 3, 'b' : 3,
           'n' : 3, 'm' : 3 }
    #  Traverse the array
    for word in arr:
        # If current string is
        # not an empty string
        if (len(word) != 0):
            # Sets true / false if a string
            # can be typed using keys of a
            # single row or not
            flag = True
            rowNum = mp[word[0].lower()]
            # Stores length of word
            M = len(word)
            # Traverse current string
            for i in range(1, M):
                # If current character can't be
                # typed using keys of rowNum only
                if (mp[word[i].lower()] != rowNum):
                    # Update flag
                    flag = False
            # If current string can be typed
            # using keys from rowNum only
            if (flag):
                # Print the string
                print(word, end = ' ')
# Driver Code
words = [ "Yeti", "Had", "GFG", "comment" ]
# This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155


// C# program to implement
// the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
// Function to print all strings that
// can be typed using keys of a single
// row in a QWERTY Keyboard
static void findWordsSameRow(List<string> arr)
    // Stores row number of all possible
    // character of the strings
        int> mp = new Dictionary<char,
    mp.Add('q', 1);
    mp.Add('w', 1);
    mp.Add('e', 1);
    mp.Add('r', 1);
    mp.Add('t', 1);
    mp.Add('y', 1);
    mp.Add('u', 1);
    mp.Add('i', 1);
    mp.Add('o', 1);
    mp.Add('p', 1);
    mp.Add('a', 2);
    mp.Add('s', 2);
    mp.Add('d', 2);
    mp.Add('f', 2);
    mp.Add('g', 2);
    mp.Add('h', 2);
    mp.Add('j', 2);
    mp.Add('k', 2);
    mp.Add('l', 2);
    mp.Add('z', 3);
    mp.Add('x', 3);
    mp.Add('c', 3);
    mp.Add('v', 3);
    mp.Add('b', 3);
    mp.Add('n', 3);
    mp.Add('m', 3);
    // Traverse the array
    foreach(string word in arr)
        // If current string is
        // not an empty string
        if (word.Length != 0)
            // Sets true / false if a string
            // can be typed using keys of a
            // single row or not
            bool flag = true;
            // Stores row number of the first
            // character of current string
            int rowNum = mp[ char.ToLower(word[0])];
            // Stores length of word
            int M = word.Length;
            // Traverse current string
            for(int i = 1; i < M; i++)
                // If current character can't be
                // typed using keys of rowNum only
                if (mp[Char.ToLower(word[i])] != rowNum)
                    // Update flag
                    flag = false;
            // If current string can be typed
            // using keys from rowNum only
            if (flag)
                // Print the string
                Console.Write(word + " ");
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    List<string> words = new List<string>( new string[] {
        "Yeti", "Had", "GFG", "comment" });
// This code is contributed by chitranayal


      // JavaScript program to implement
      // the above approach
      // Function to print all strings that
      // can be typed using keys of a single
      // row in a QWERTY Keyboard
      function findWordsSameRow(arr) {
        // Stores row number of all possible
        // character of the strings
        var mp = {};
        mp["q"] = 1;
        mp["w"] = 1;
        mp["e"] = 1;
        mp["r"] = 1;
        mp["t"] = 1;
        mp["y"] = 1;
        mp["u"] = 1;
        mp["i"] = 1;
        mp["o"] = 1;
        mp["p"] = 1;
        mp["a"] = 2;
        mp["s"] = 2;
        mp["d"] = 2;
        mp["f"] = 2;
        mp["g"] = 2;
        mp["h"] = 2;
        mp["j"] = 2;
        mp["k"] = 2;
        mp["l"] = 2;
        mp["z"] = 3;
        mp["x"] = 3;
        mp["c"] = 3;
        mp["v"] = 3;
        mp["b"] = 3;
        mp["n"] = 3;
        mp["m"] = 3;
        // Traverse the array
        for (const word of arr) {
          // If current string is
          // not an empty string
          if (word.length !== 0) {
            // Sets true / false if a string
            // can be typed using keys of a
            // single row or not
            var flag = true;
            // Stores row number of the first
            // character of current string
            var rowNum = mp[word[0].toLowerCase()];
            // Stores length of word
            var M = word.length;
            // Traverse current string
            for (var i = 1; i < M; i++) {
              // If current character can't be
              // typed using keys of rowNum only
              if (mp[word[i].toLowerCase()] !== rowNum) {
                // Update flag
                flag = false;
            // If current string can be typed
            // using keys from rowNum only
            if (flag) {
              // Print the string
              document.write(word + " ");
      // Driver Code
      var words = ["Yeti", "Had", "GFG", "comment"];


Yeti Had GFG


Time Complexity: O(N * M), where N and M denotes the number of strings and the length of the longest string respectively.
Auxiliary Space: O(1)