Print “Hello World” with empty or blank main in C++

Write a program in C++ that prints “Hello World”, it has a main function and body of main function is empty.

Following are three different solutions.

  • We can create a global variable and assign it return value of printf() that prints “Hello World” 


  • We can use Constructor in C++. In the below program, we create an object of class ‘A’ outer of the main Function so object declaration time it will be call to constructor so that it will be print “Hello World”. 


// C++ program to print something with empty main()
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A {
    A() // Constructor
        cout << "Hello World";
A obj; // Create Object of class A
int main()
    // Blank

  • We can initialize a global variable with return type of function that prints “Hello World”.


// C++ program to print something with empty main()
#include <iostream>
int fun()
    std::cout << "Hello World";
    return 1;
int x = fun(); // global variable
int main() {}