Print htmlwidgets to HTML Result Inside a Function in R

HTML widgets are interactive graphical objects that can be embedded in web pages. They enable you to use R code to produce animations, visualizations, and other interactive elements. These widgets can be easily made and used in R Programming Language with the htmlwidgets package. We’ll go over how to print an HTML widget inside of an R function in this article. 

Before printing an HTML widget inside a function, it is crucial to comprehend a few fundamental ideas. First, R’s htmlwidgets package offers a collection of functions for building HTML widgets. Second, we’ll use the saveWidget method from the htmlwidgets package to print the widget inside a function. Finally, a message stating that the widget has been saved will be printed using the cat function.

Example 1

Step 1

First, install the ‘htmlwidgets’ library to use.


Step 2

 The htmlwidgets package must be loaded. The htmlwidgets package should first be loaded into your R environment. Run the following code in your R console to accomplish this:



Step 3

 Construct the function: Make a function that prints the HTML widget next. The saveWidget function is used by this function to save an HTMLwidget object as an HTML file. As an illustration of the function:


print_htmlwidget <- function(x) 
  htmlwidgets::saveWidget(x, file = "widget.html")
  cat("HTML widget saved to widget.html\n")

Step 4

Use print_htmlwidget with the dygraph.


dygraph(nhtemp, main = "City Temperature") %>% print_htmlwidget()


Output Image

Example 2:


print_htmlwidget <- function(x) {
  htmlwidgets::saveWidget(x, file = "Histogram.html")
  cat("HTML widget saved to Histogram.html\n")
X = rnorm(500, mean=20, sd=10)
hist(X, breaks = 10,   main = "Histogram", xlab = "Bins") %>% print_htmlwidget()


Output Image